DawsonKeyes - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - DawsonKeyes

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Dawson Keyes / LO-___-R3

What are your playtimes?

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.

Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

Context is incredibly important in a situation like this. It’s possible I’ve been mistaken for a xenomorph lurker, and for marines, anything beyond the scout that’s invisible is generally a shoot-on-sight. I would pull back and taunt marines with laughter and screams to ensure they know exactly what they’re getting into before actually engaging any of them in melee combat, rather than rushing in and immediately fighting the entire group at once.

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

A grave offense, but not one worth immediately starting an honor duel over - I would go out of my way to ask them to apologize over the matter. Only if they refuse to apologize or hand over the trophy from the target (if any was claimed) would I look to escalate the matter further.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

I’ve been a part of CM and the community surrounding it for just under five years, but I’ve only recently been getting back into the game a good bit.

I sincerely hope that my story is an enjoyable read, and that others will consider me for a whitelist as special as this - I think the most enjoyable part of roles like these is engaging with others to further bolster their enjoyment of the game. Combat is an assured part of it, but the most fun characteristic is the unique roleplay you get out of it with others.


Dawson has had some solid RP, has had some exceptional positions of staff in other servers like Dead Space 13 and I believe both his ingame rp, mechanical knowledge and ooc temperament to be excellent.

His development skills will serve the WL well especially with some spriting projects he wants to do, and of course he is approved for Trio’kana.

However barring my obvious +1 I’ll ask you a question to start it off.

Thuul’akka is confronted by a strongly religious Yajuta who dislikes the belief system of the Trio’kana and their status. How does he react to a strongly confrontational Yajuta who insults him and mocks his faith?

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The most important part is stepping back and looking at the situation mentally - they could be venting their anger about something else. It’s important not to lose one’s life over a trivial disagreement, even if it is one important to his clan’s status, and so in most cases he would rebuff the insults and mockery. Should they double down on their ridicule, however, he would likely go out of his way to turn back their mockery, or challenge them to prove their capacity through a contest of hunting, or a proper honor duel.

Being a religious adherent means he’s likely to face some level of disagreement or insult from others, and he wouldn’t go around dueling every single person to slight him - that’s just not healthy.


Possibly the best thrall i ever had taken, they RP’d extremely well. I’m talking getting gestures perfectly, not enthusiastic to be a thrall but trying to make peace with the situation he was forced into, i really cant overstate how impressed i was at what was to me at the time was a random marine. If the general player base could RP half as well as he could in that moment, everyone would have the WL. I have extreme confidence that they will continue to impress. +1


I’ve known Dawson for a few years from a variety of SS13 servers. He’s always been a good guy, good RPer, and a good player. Easy +1 from me.




I wasn’t aware that observer hours counted as roles, though I’ll leave it up to the council. Regardless, I don’t think that the hours are sufficient.


Hello there.

I never had quite the chance to RP properly with you as my predator, though maybe at one point that’ll change. Recently (Im pretty sure it was you but PLEASE TELL ME IF I AM WRONG) we had a round on CC with you as gear-holder, holding a cruel staff, but oddly enough you decided to keep hold of that piece in the middle of medbay’s lobby, then after an MD ping report aimed a flamer turret at yourself and waited there for someone to come recover it… Its not necessarily a bad thing, but it feels off to be baiting preds into the most public place when you had a good chance to get RP going, especially since I knew you had an app up and was looking forward to an interaction. Not accusing you of metagaming, just a bit disappointed we missed a chance. That doesnt warrant a -1, obviously, but I have nothing to +1 you for. Neutral posts are stupid ,so Im gonna ask you a couple questions to make up for it! Based on your answers ill adjust this to a +1 or -1.

  1. You are on LV-624, and talking with another predator. After a few banter, a duo of marine comes and starts doing proper RP. A few exchanges are given in good faith, before one marine initiates combat on the predator. You watch for a few moments before the other marine decides to start a fight with you. You manage to kill your marine, but notice the other predator died in combat to that other guy who’s wounded from his fight, and is currently manipulating the body by trying to steal its mask. What do you do with the dead marine, the dead yautja, and that living marine?

  2. The round stagnates as you notice the xenos/marines are locked in an endless siege, so you start a reserve hunt to pass the time. The hunt goes really well for you, the marines are really “bald” as they FF one another without you doing much. Eventually there’s just one guy remaining who’s pretty wounded from FF but still standing without lasting damage.You assume this guy doesn’t really stand much of a chance. What do you do?

  3. You managed to find yourself a thrall. Its been going for a while, explaining to them how things work and how to use their equipment. Everything goes rather well, as you get some interactions with marines, and other with yautjas. Though after 12 minutes, a warrior lunges at your thrall after looking at it for a few moments (you correctly assume the warrior took a moment to realise it wasnt a pred) and starts killing it. The thrall shortly dies after before the warrior says “so why is a tall dressed like that”. What do you do with the warrior, and the dead thrall?

  4. Less of a honor code question and more of a player driven one:

What made you want to apply, and play the predator whitelist? What’s giving you the interest in joining the WL?


Before I get to the question replies, yes, the situation mentioned was me, and I do wanna say that I’m unhappy with how the round went that you mentioned - standing in front of a sentry turret is the best way to keep yourself safe when there’s hostiles aboard, but looking back, it definitely wasn’t the best way to engage with the situation overall.
As for your questions:

  1. I think the outcome of the situation entirely depends on how the fights were conducted. If the marine that beat my comrade did so on even remotely equal footing, it would be pertinent to recover the dead yautja body along with their equipment, but give the living marine a trophy (the honor code describes this as only happening after an ‘honorable duel’, so it’s case-by-case) before vacating the area and placing the dead yautja into a morgue tray on the ship. The dead marine should be either taken back to his allies for revival or given to his surviving comrade, assuming they’ll take them to the FOB/medics.

  2. While the roleplay requirements of the hunting preserve are technically different from the main game, I think it’d be most fun to taunt the last man standing and watch his movements, giving him time to recover and scavenge any equipment from his fallen comrades before facing him again. Rushing him down immediately would be doable, but not super enjoyable, and the fact that his injures are from friendly fire only exacerbates this - I’d rather they also enjoy themselves instead of getting shot by their buddies and then dying to a pred immediately.

  3. Xenos cannot be expected to understand thralls or how they are intended to fight in any capacity (it’d be metagaming the honor code if they did at all) and so I cannot inherently fault the warrior for engaging the thrall after surmising they weren’t a pred ; thus, I would leave the warrior be. After recovering their corpse, I would go out of my way to honor the thrall through a funeral pyre or similar (assuming they had proven their fighting capacity against marines or other previous foes) while discussing the matter with other present yautja. Though losing them is a shame, reviving them is out of the question completely.

  4. I think the number one thing that made me want to play the whitelist is the more freeform capacity to rp with others in the game, and create new experiences that more people can find enjoyable. My favorite moments on CM are engaging with others beyond the standard team deathmatch experience, and while jobs such as Corporate Liaison are quite fun, the more open-ended nature of yautja rp is something I’ve seen firsthand before, and really want to further engage in. You aren’t limited to one specific angle, and the sheer variety of possibilities that others can also interact with seems like a really fun way to enjoy the game.


That’s pretty much what I wanted to read. I don’t think we can go wrong with this as those answers are rather good.

+1, will be a great addition to the WL im sure of it.

Can’t wait to frag you :heart:


your hours are pretty low for taking the next step, seems you’ve played A round or two for everything to get the feel of it so that’s good but green to everything at the same time so thats not good and although I’ve never interacted with you in game I’m sure your rp is good enough to fit in with the clanmates but do you feel like you have enough direct combat experience to hunt with the best & worst of them?


If you’re asking about actual mechanical experience, I was a CM regular back in 2020, though my hours fail to reflect that given ye olde playtime wipes from way back when-ish.
I don’t know how much of a bearing that sort of experience should have on a role like this, admittedly — I hope others judge me more by my character and capacity to engage with others.

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To be clear, this is a roleplay whitelist, you do not need to be robust to be a predator.


yeah i meant mechanical but understandable, i just saw no hours while everyone praised your rp so was concerned if You felt prepared for when you do fight, everything else looks good anyways so +1

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+1. I remember Dawson from back in the day when I started out. Fantastic RP. The WL is in good hands with this man.

Hello, DawsonKeyes, the Council has voted to reject your application. Your answers were acceptable, and the garnered community support shows exceptional promise. However, two issues influenced our votes. The first is that your story displays a misunderstanding of Predator culture which runs counter to their lore, and we did not find the story’s quality good enough to justify this break. Secondly, the Council was not satisfied with your low hours in non-support roles. We understand you are a returning player, but the changing nature of CM in terms of gameplay and expectations means we put more regard on current playtimes.

The Council recommends you review your story, and we recommend showing us more in-game presence in combat roles both roleplaying and performing well. Denied.

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Upon further review by whitelist management, we have decided that the story has no issues that could be argued as going against the lore. I suggest re-using this story.

The denial verdict will stay due to the insufficient hours, observer hours do not count towards the requirements.

The application rules will be clarified and updated to reflect such, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Both council and whitelist management advises playing roles such as Rifleman and “Marine roles” that are in the direct gameplay loop to feel what the game is like.