A dedicated testing range for all roles; where they can assemble hypothetical loadouts etc. Has all vendors, lets you change between roles & reset point counts, maybe a few dummies for testing?
A lot of new players, who are new to “loadoutmaxxing” and bringing along the right set of tools in an operation end up asking about “Hey is there somewhere I can test out my loadouts?” and being pointed to “Host your own private server” is a very big barrier for some people.
not to be the “TGMC!!!” guy but the one time I did try that server they had something like this called “valhalla” with all the equipment vendors and spawners for xenos and stuff to try them on. I could probably work on a CM implementation honestly, would be an interesting project albeit I dont know if I have the technical aptitude to see it through
I menaged to figure out how to run my own offline CM server in under 10 minutes, if they want to test stuff this badly, they should pass an IQ test of following intructions found on the internet.
negligible. theoretically if someone vends and sets off a bazillion grenades or whatever there may be spikes but with proper cleanup precautions this isn’t a concern. the combat correspondent taking a picture of 2 dudes lags the server more than the system will in it’s entirety.
solo testing isn’t the same as collaborating on loadouts, socializing, etc. this also provides an ingame solution for people who are dead to work on their loadouts, try new weapons, chat, etc, as well as an ingame solution for people like mentors to show newer players who are watching or have died different systems.
anyhow I’ve started working on this project, long way to go but it’s taking shape.
Yeah, TGMCs valhalla is pretty good. It’s a great way to give people some place to try out things and do numbers testing.
There is also a xeno version of valhala, allowing people to try out every cast in a testing eviorment.
But yeah, having a dedicated eviorment for testing would be great. Most players arent deep into it all, that they would run their own server. Most players, arent even on the discord.
We have somewhat of a testing place already, the shooting range, but that one is kinda meh and only allows people to try out the not complicated guns. And not the guns that actually have uniqe gameplay.
Granted, we dont have as much varity in guns as TGMC. But having a place where the average joe can try out builds and theory craft is still incredibly usefull. Even if we dont have the stagering amount of builds as TGMC.
I mean, yeah. But that doesnt solve the issue. Most players wont ever do that.
A majority of people just play the game and thats it.
And its not like we never did something like this before, we got tutorials for new players.
Where they can learn shit ingame, wich they could also learn by booting up a private server.
It wont. Because the players this would be for, arent on the forums. They also arent on the discord, the wiki or git. They only play the game.
New players.
Something like that needs to be in the game. The people that need it, will only really reach a forum post like that, long after they learned it via trial and error.
I honestly dont get whats so bad about this. Especially because it doesnt really pose a lag risk at all.
maints basically killed this project anyway, was a fun little coding test I guess but they’re not interested in it regardless of anti grief/deathmatch measures.