DeiDrah23 - Sticky Ban Appeal

DeiDrah23 - Sticky Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Joe Bravo

Type of Ban?

Sticky Ban

What is your Bancode?

i don’t know

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

Basically only this one

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Recently got rid of permaban on Bee

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Stickyban - Multikey

Links to previous appeals:

Your appeal:

Basically, after a pretty long break of not playing the game, i decided to hop on (i play semi regularly), so i logged, set up my character, clicked play, and in prep, SL approaches me and says something along “need help private, is this your first drop?” i looked at my rank and it was PVT, i thought “shit, im playing on different account, gotta find the password for main later” i think i decided to finish this round instead of cryoing, several weeks later i was in bed and ARES sent me a discord message saying ive been permabanned, i got off the bed and ran to PC to appeal, thinking it’s just a stickyban, i explained that i unknowwingly logged on a different ckey thinking it will be a quick appeal, but got denied. Had to cry in PM with appeal staff, where they explained that multikeying is more serious than i thought, but generously lowered the days until my permaban could be appealed from 180 to 7.

What i did wrong: Logged into different account and when noticed it, i decided to keep playing in the round instead of notifying staff like i was supposed to. Didn’t explain myself properly in the previous appeal.

What can i do to avoid situations like this in future: Stick to one ckey, read the rules more carefully, not be afraid to bother admins in ahelp if this is stated in rules.

Ban appeal accepted.

Alright, DeiDrah23. I believe you sufficiently understand the brevity of your actions. Do be sure to follow ALL our rules, and do not use a different account in the future.

Feel free to admin help ingame if you ever have any issues at all.

Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting