Dev food for thought (survs)

Imo the constant routine of having HvX gets a lil dull. So what if we were to spice things up. What if we added a third party in the map with its own hold. I am not speaking survs but with the hold ready. I am speaking third faction present on the colony able to sustain itself in their corner of the map. I’m speaking potential for three-way battles. Could be remnants of a CLF cell that got lucky. Could be CMB that locked the doors just in time. Could even be WY that wants to clean house for the fuck-up on the colony and go full hostile. We could even give em objectives if they are not just strays.


Whilst this may not inherently be a bad idea, however, past experience shows this might lead to a less than desirable outcome.

Several months ago, someone held a event where a team of WY PMCs and Scientists were placed inside a pre-made Bunker on Kutjevo. This ultimately concluded with the entire hive focusing on sieging the bunker, taking casualties and gaining little in return. (Though the round turned into a shit show after the fact with WY making a corrupted hive but that is besides the point).

I fear the outcome of this would be the Xenos would throw themselves at the third faction and either deplete their numbers or gain a number boon depending on how strong the third faction is.

The only way this would work is if the third faction were 100% locked off from the xenos until the marines arrived. But then, what is to stop the third faction from tipping the scales too much?


I’va always wanted this to be the thing for Preds. Maybe not always, but as a round option.

Preds would get some place they could designate as their hunting grounds. There’s a grace period during which they can’t outright go full ham, but must evict the intruders from their territory without permaing anyone, xeno or marine. After the grace period is over the preds can hunt anyone in the designated zone and perma as many people as they want.

The problem is of course balancing this, since the preds are overpowered, especially against xenos. And then there’s too many Preds these days, like I’m seeing 15 some rounds?! Not to mention the classic problem of a single pred dying and the entire Pred WL logging in to avenge\recover his gear.

tbf xenos only focused all of their waking time and resources on sieging the bunker out of spite

  1. spite at the marines cadehugging as usual (and for once there was an alternative to fobsiege slop, which was bunkersiege slop, but at least that way we weren’t giving marines what they wanted (also there was a cool second hive in the bunker we were trying to save)).

  2. spite at admins for trying to railroad/force xenos to ignore the bunker and siege the fob cause marines were getting bored when they didn’t get what they wanted.

The whole point of a third faction is to offer opportunities for xenos or marines to do something other than the typical cookie-cutter round. If it’s an issue, it usually arises because of command roles. Queens can order xenos to ignore survs, or preds, etc. Or they can be pissed at marines and order the entire hive to attack a bunker even when QM is trying to strongly incentivize the opposite. But blocking a faction off kinda defeats the purpose. I think as long as you don’t force an interaction it should be fine.

@sg2002 I feel like what you’re saying is already becoming a thing implicitly, I keep seeing more and more rounds where it just turns into AvP because marines don’t wanna leave FOB; entire hives are going to war with the clans and it’s a pretty fun way to pass the time that usually beats bashing heads on cades. Not sure how to balance this into an official thing like you’re saying tho

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Give each map a 20% chance for a factional hold of 6-8 (depending on faction) players and you could really spice up the round plus a chance to use the factional kit like CLF or UPP or TWE. With their own goals but make sure Xenos get partially compensated if they die against the 3rd party so they aren’t too ficked when marines land? Maybe the CLF need to activate and hold a comms tower for help to arrive (A CLF ERT landing planet side amd have it only work after marines land so it’s not uncontested)

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