DevinXoptoh - Whitelist Report: Elizabeth, Combat Synthetics should avoid combat when possible and only brandish a weapon as a last resort.

DevinXoptoh - Whitelist Report: Elizabeth, Combat Synthetics should avoid combat when possible and only brandish a weapon as a last resort.

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:


Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:


What rule(s) were broken?:

Combat Synthetics should avoid combat when possible and only brandish a weapon as a last resort.

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

Bumped into them, tried to engage in conversation, they just attacked me with a fireaxe.
The fireaxe was already wielded when they were walking around the colony, alone mind that.
The single disarm was to try and get them to stop attacking me with the fireaxe, not once did I attack before they almost crit me.


Logs will be provided


Added report:needverdict and removed report:pendinglogs

Colony synthetics pre-contact with marines are on delta alert and thus have their combat restrictions revoked as long as they respect self preservation. This means that they can hit you unprompted.

Once Delta Alert is activated, the synthetic unit’s combat restrictions are revoked

Also after killing pretty much the entire colony staff I’m not sure why a synthetic would be up for a pleasant chat with a xeno unless it was their only hope at survival.


sup I was Mayjor Nasoki Chen (Of the UPP) rolling with Elizabeth trying to get another survivor W (Please buff). They only ran support the entire time once the hold got established. I did not see them for the first five minutes as we were all separated. It should be mentioned that without Elizabeth, we would have folded as the cades were falling and the moral of the survivors was dropping fast, we even had a deserter survivor start cowering in the elevator crying about IB or something.

Elizabeth saved us by keeping the cades welded and holding strong by using the will of the people. At no time did they look for a fight from what I saw or had bad intentions. They followed Self Preservation Protocol during our hold 200%.


This report was based on something that happened north of the bar and south of the dam by the podlocks at which elizabet was alone and not near any survivors at the time.
I was immediately attacked when I was just going around weeding.

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Yes, that’s still allowed.

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Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict

So what was previously stated is mostly accurate, survivors pre-contact with marines are operating under Delta conditions, meaning the priority is on life safety but force is authorized as a preventive measure against a known threat (survivors very much know all xenomorphs are a threat). After examining logs we found this occurred about 2 and a half minutes into the round, and survivors were trying to meet up for a hold including the accused. You are correct that under normal round circumstances this would be excessive, but in delta conditions it is allowed as an option, therefore this report is denied.