Dogar - Job/Role Ban Appeal

Dogar - Job/Role Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

David Daboza

Type of Ban?

Job/Role Ban

What is your Bancode?


Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

I believe a 3 hour game ban and permanent job ban

Remaining Duration

game ban has already expired

What other servers do you play on?

just this one currently

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

I was banned years ago on paradise, I forget the details, I appealed and the ban was removed.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Here’s the copypaste: “Griefing: as security survivor, when a fellow survivor abandoned a falling hold and retreated into a van, proceeded to stun him with a baton and handcuff him for xenos to take. Displayed absolute lack of any remorse or understanding of any wrongdoing, calling it a “high RP moment” and saying “he was gonna die anyway” in ticket and telling the victim in deadchat “Well I was gonna die anyway, so I thought I’d take you out, it’s kind of like the crab pulling the other crabs back into the bucket, you know ,like in boondocks”. by segrain (Maintainer) on 2024-06-05 18:19:56 (ID: 22517)”

Links to previous appeals:

Don’t recall any.

Your appeal:

I mean yeah this is a pretty legitimate griefing ban. What I did was against the rules and it’s fair that I was tempbanned for it. It was pretty vindictive, but the guy seriously was gonna die, since xenos always check vans for hiders, and he was kind of a dick to abandon us and hoarde the m41a ammo for himself. I was still in the wrong though I admit. I don’t quite understand why I was survivor banned however. Grief isn’t a role related rulebreak. If I had broken specific survivor rules (for example “Hostile survivors aren’t allowed to be hostile to other survivors”, or “Don’t attack the hive at roundstart.”) then I understand why I’d be survivor banned, but that’s not what happened. I’d like to have the surv ban lifted if possible, please.

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Good afternoon, this has been assigned to me to handle. I’ll let you know if I need any additional info from yourself.

So, I’ve gone over notes and had a look over your appeal.

Whilst yes, grief is not a specific role rule, breaking that rule can lead to job bans. Such as: Griefing as CMO may lead to a medical ban. Griefing as MP may result in a MP ban. Even if that grief is not related to the role in question.

However, in this specific instance, the Roleplay rules regarding survivors specifically outline that you cannot be hostile to other survivors, no matter what survivor role you get:


  • Survivors have more leeway than marines with their mental stability due to the trauma they may have experienced during the xenomorph attack. They may be suffering PTSD, paranoia or similar conditions for roleplaying purposes.
  • Survivors may NOT be hostile unless they have been spawned as hostile survivors (CLF) - see Hostile Factions.
    • Hostile survivors cannot attempt to harm other survivors.
  • Survivors should not be rushing to attack the hive before the roundstart xenos have had a chance to evolve.

Due to how recent this has been applied and the current lack of understanding of the rules regarding survivors along with recent notes. I am going to deny this appeal at this time. Try to play with no issues regarding rules for a while longer before appealing again.


Appeal denied.

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting