Donman12 - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - Donman12

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Sam Gilarty - Xeno(DW)

What are your playtimes?

Human (533.2 hr)

Xeno (142.9 hr)

Other (226.5 hr)

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.


Yautja Character Story:


A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

If a group of marines engage I would assume its because one of them has a motion detector and assumed I was a lurker, therefore I’d assume there’s no hostile intent for me specifically. To check I would first use a sound cue like a roar or something to alert them that its a yautja, by now i’d assume most of them have stopped shooting and i’d back off slowly to a more secluded place and if there is still some following I’d know that they intend to fight so I would decloak and engage them. >:)

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

As long as the hunting rituals that Ul’uan preform is properly done I would excuse the kill, I would not have been hunting a prey for anything but to honour the traditions and the gods. However were the Ul’uan traditions not practiced, I would probably escalate the situation. I would be quicker to anger were the hunter not of Ul’uan and they did not respect or dare insulted the ritual. All roads lead to honour duel, I would go with the flow of the roleplay and act accordingly with common sense.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

Youngblud :slight_smile:

No but I’ve been playing quite frequently for sometime, I enjoyed the experience i’ve had with countless predators from Nhon to Ul’uan. One of the experiences I got to have was being kidnapped by multiple predators and being forced to fight another marine for surivial. I’ve never giggled and experienced marine PTSD thinking to the perma’d marine I had to curb stomp to play the rest of that round and would love to expand that opportunity to other players.


sup sup sup

Just my experience off rip and why I invited Mr. Donman to apply for my clan;

A couple of us, being members of my clan, had all independently interacted with the applicant in the last couple of weeks as Preds, and had extremely positive and unique experiences. Most Pred-Human interactions start at WHAT THE FUCK??? BIG ALIEN!!! DIE!!! and end with somebody bleeding out or gibbed. That’s all well and good, but the applicant found ways to tastefully take the roleplay to another level, engaging beyond combat, exploring new avenues. Even seasoned players with a good knowledge of pred roleplay would have difficulties in doing this, but the applicant was able to do it repeatedly, with different people, on different occasions. It quickly got my attention, and they have been putting in the effort since I extended the invitation.

Big ol’ plus one from me :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh it’s Sam, yea easy +1 with their rp and robustness.

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Stole his USCM patch as pred many times, RP is good, easy +1 for me

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Another Ul’uan :frowning:

But Sam has been a solid human to interact with as Yaujta easy +1

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cool guy that’s very easy to talk to, and i love his character gilarty, +1

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Chill person OOC, I have personally thralled Sam in a round and they roleplayed alongside me competently throughout.
I think they can uphold the standards of the WL +1


Massive +1.

I’ve seen sam around, interacted with them numerous time on my pred, and they always try to interact with preds regardless of who they are. Seen plenty of times them engaging in actual fun ways that fits the WL.

Great addition to the WL. Come grief people with us <3


Accepted, remember to listen to the advise of your elders.