Donrascal_Shivelfluggesbottom - Permanent Ban Appeal

Donrascal_Shivelfluggesbottom - Permanent Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Bean Flick

Type of Ban?

Permanent Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?

“LTNTS” or “Vyzo”

Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

goonstation: heisenbee 1
rarely play on goonstation: 3

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

paradise for rdm

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Reason: Rule 1
Player had the name “Bean Flick” which is a violation of our Rule 1/9. Player decided to act ignorant when questioned.

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

Apparently my name “Bean Flick” is a breach of rule 1/9. Name could be interpreted as a sexual act though far-fetched.
I was contacted by the admin randomly, they told me to explain my name. I said that “Bean” was the name of my late dog. The admin did not accept this and asked what the “Flick” meant, I told them that it was either randomly generated or the first thing that came to mind (I still don’t remember, I was probably high and it just sounded funny). I think I also aggravated the mod by showing annoyance in my responses, I said something along the lines of: “wtf do u want me to say” and “idk what ur talking about”, in response to them questioning my name. I think the mod somehow felt as if their ego was hurt by me not knowing what they were talking about and banned me with their bent interpretation of the rules.

Rule 1 States:
“Euphemisms that also have a sexual meaning are allowed in non-sexual contexts. Common terms or phrases like “Suck my dick” are fine, as long as saying such is not a literal invitation or solicitation to do so.”
If a name was sexual in any way it likely would not be a “invitation or solicitation” towards a sexual act without it being obvious (i’ve played for hours on this server, talked to at least 5 mods but none of them ever even mentioned my name).
I don’t see how a name could even break this rule unless directly mentioning some sort of sexual act (like “rpe, slt, etc”).
The rule also states that intention/context plays a role in determining the difference between a crude joke versus a NSFW act, if a name was purposely made to to be sexual like, “John ‘Big’ Dick” I think most would see this as a joke and not a egregious sex act.

Rule 9 States:
“Names and nicknames should not be considered a meme. Names and nicknames should also not be slurs, 18+ content, etc…”
My name contains no 18+ content or slurs. The mod interpreted my name as sexual without explaining even what they were thinking. They told me to explain my name, after I did they banned me without clear reason other than a “violation of our Rule 1/9”.
My name is not a clear sexual reference, if it was I would have been banned/warned beforehand. I also don’t believe having a vague sexual innuendo as a name would constitute a permanent ban.

Also could I kindly ask that the mod whom banned me not be the one who reviews my appeal? I’d rather have s second, unbiased opinion if possible, thank you.

Handful of things here:

  • All permanent bans will stand for a MINIMUM of 180 days. An appeal can be made after this time.
  • Randomized names are both first and last, not one or the other.
  • On the off chance you some how magically randomized your last name, I checked strings/last.txt and Bean is nowhere on the list.

So this very clearly looks like you made your name one of the most common euphemisms for women masturbating.

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting