Draconic25 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - Seraphilian
What’s your BYOND key:
Round ID:
Your character name:
Kurt Hanger
Their BYOND key:
What are you reporting?:
Enforcement Action Taken
Description of the incident:
Got rule 4d for injecting mindbreaker into two MPs. Arrested and brigged for Major Contraband, but no actual contraband was found because the MPs didn’t search me at all. Appealed to provost with no response. Nuclear Protocol was also declared, with an order for all personnel to deploy. Ignored and left in brig while MPs stared glassy eyed at the walls for fifteen minutes. Waited out my timer, where said contraband was still in the gear locker. Put my kit on, said to the two MPs “Here’s a tip, you should search people for evidence” then dosed them with mindbreaker hypo. Grabbed an ID to get out of the brig, went to CIC and reported said catatonic MPs to whoever was still in there.
Proceeded down to surgery where I was Boinked, and then re-arrested while answering the PM. I don’t think this is griefing as the chain of events was directly due to me being returned the thing I was being brigged for in the first place. Taking the ID to get through doors and notify someone else of the incident was a way to not have those players out of the round, and dosing them with the criminal evidence that the MPs returned to the criminal, I felt, was an interesting way to handle the situation of their arrest and detainment being handled so sloppily.
I made no attempts to hamper the players from being put into the round, I proactively notified someone who could dispatch aid to them, and in the PMs i was made to feel like I was acting unnaturally by taking the ID to leave an area I had no key to. I don’t see how the MPs not searching their prisoner and it biting them in the ass is griefing or has no RP logic.
If anything my note should be rule 10, escalation, but even then mindbreaker doesn’t really kill people, it just keeps them unconscious until aid is rendered if there’s massive brain damage. And I went out of my way to notify other players in character to get to them.
Didn’t grab any relevant screenshots.