dramazing343 - Player Report: Bob Brown B. DeMarco, Rule 4. No Griefing

dramazing343 - Player Report: Bob Brown B. DeMarco, Rule 4. No Griefing

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Mary ‘Muckraker’ Strauss

Accused character name:

Bob Brown B. DeMarco

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 4. No Griefing

Description of the incident:

After the end of round report showed up, I heard in dchat that Bob Brown B. DeMarco was opening stasis bags with hugged people inside of them in Medbay. A fight had broken out over it, and when one burst, he hollered YEAHHH. Going over logs makes it a bit more damning. I could be missing context, but if it’s true it seems pretty cut and dry grief.


I had logs that seem to have been eaten by the form?
Jake ‘Snake’ Walker said “Bob get the fuck out.”
Two Tama said “He was opening bags intentionally to fuck with people”
Eve ‘Minty’ Attano said “Three pops!”
Bob stuttered “I-I-I o-opened some bags.” “It was over.” “They wont die” “YEAAAH” “3 people just bursted” “Lemme watch him b-b-burst please”


Can add to this since i was playing as Jake ‘Snake’ Walker the foxtrot sadar he ran up opened my bag and then ran over to the another bag opened it and continued until a medic began to beat him.


adding more screenshots


Hey there, @doctoramazing. Thank you for your report.

Reading the logs, I can confirm your claims that Bob Brown B. DeMarco opened infected people’s stasis bags purposely, with their wordings, to watch them burst. Stasis bag should not be opened for enjoyment purposes if a patient is lying in it. This is a textbook example of Rule 4 break.

Even if the round is over or close to over, the server rules still apply, therefore I will approve this report and will issue a Note to Bob Brown B. DeMarco’s player per Rule 4.