For now if you are manning the door gun valiantly holding off the FOB breaching xeno horde, it will spit you out on the LZ when the DS takes off. It should have a mechanism to scoop you inside when it takes off.
Why? Unlike the machinegun, you are expendable.
Probably because of the blatant lack of basic health and safety, the machine gun is a lot more expendable then a trooper, the trooper requires weeks of training, is a volunteer and likely has family, the gun is what, a few thousand dollars of equipment? The Trooper is a lot harder to replace then some machine gun.
I think it might have less safety then even a ball turret from 1940.
50 cas points
Would be mega soul to be shooting the gun as the dropship takes off.
If multi Z ever gets merged DS should slowly go up a level until it eventually flies off for even more soul.
Watching my life flash before my eyes as a warrior steps onto alamo and flings me out of the door as it takes off and I plummet below into the waiting xenos.
Peak soul would be shooting down at the xenos as you slowly gain altitude desperately keeping them at bay.
Could make engines and whatnot damagable, not completely, but have the damage adjust the time it take to take off, and if you do multi Z it could make it take off slower
Well since xeno’s can’t fly it would not matter. The second you go up a single z then you’r safe. The only thing that would do is make the alamo take off from the ground slower. I think that would be a bad idea since at the point the marines have already lost. The marines are ussally not able to push out of the dropship meaning their is little counter play. So this would mean the engines would always get smashed every single time.
Flying xenos PR in progress.
If they give them a leap, make tier threes able to reach up one z level, and maybe give them a wall climb or grab?
Itd be something if they could cling to the side of the DS during transit by slowly losing HP.
I feel like that allowing them to jump up or reatch up z levels is going to cause issues with how they operate on the ground. Also this feels like rubing salt into the wound of evac. The marines alreayd lost just let them flee in safety.
I mean. That would probably be a niche function, unless we start entertaining the prospect of them being able to leap at CAS.
Which isn’t entirely out of the realm of feasibility for a fifteen foot alien to be able to jump high enough to grab onto a low flying aircraft from a second or third story building, assuming the dropship goes about as a low as a helicopter might.
Would be a neat way for xenos to get CAS to fuck off, because entire screens exploding without counterplay besides hiding in parts of the map or running away is not fun for either party.
Well considering that CAS is likely flying at 700mph so its a big ask for a rav to be able to hit one mid air. Also you don’t drop high explosive from a hight that low out of fear of hitting yourself. This sounds like it would be extremly hard to program with haveing a million glitchs. Instead perhaps boilers can provide AA fire like in starship troopers. This AA fire should not hurt the driver of the CAS but maybe just turn the area into a no fly zone.
We regularly ignore the actual physics of it for the sake of gameplay, so the speed doesn’t mean much. Reminder that the dropship rams full speed into the Almayer without disintegrating on contact and fully intact with the occupants not being reduced to jelly. The fact the Almayer’s armor is thin enough for the dropship to penetrate without being destroyed but not so thin that a full speed spacecraft does not overpenetrate and fly out the other side is something we should just be grateful for.
Just to pick the most obvious example, never mind a twenty foot alien successfully piloting an aircraft with controls designed for human hands out of atmosphere and hitting an orbiting ship, the fact they managed to put it on a collision course is in itself a miracle of astronomical probability (Ares literally even says they turn autopilot off, and space is really, really, really fucking big).
But yea, an AA boiler capable of repelling the dropship is simplest way of doing it. Or maybe the pilot can choose to engage anyway and run the risk of having their weapons or systems damaged. I prefer an idea where the boiler is actually able to engage with the pilot in some way rather than ‘yea here’s a new area that’s basically the cave. Go sit in the hanger and twiddle your thumbs nerd’ though.
Doorgunner actually inside the door??? Too peak they couldn’t possibly allow this amount of fun.