Dylisill - Player Report: Aldrik Wynters, Rule 3: Don't be a dick

Dylisill - Player Report: Aldrik Wynters, Don’t be a dick

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Philip ‘Clutz’ Staymates

Accused character name:

Aldrik Wynters

What rule(s) were broken?:

Don’t be a dick

Description of the incident:

I’m sorry if this is a mess or a null issue.

During 26098 I was the QM for the majority of the round, I had seen a multitude of CT’s come and cryo, I had only joined after on had cryo’d around 00:30.

I ran req solo for a good chunk of the round 2 Ct’s woke up but after deconstruction of the Almayer had happened they had to cryo.

Now this deconstruction did include the tearing down the walls of req, to some this was LRP which in my opinion is a fair criticism but we did it for fun with the ASO ‘shipping the req to bravo for fob’ sounded funny.

Shortly after all of this, everyone had cryo’d and I decided to do some BM, I ordered a seized CLF contraband crate, some potted plants, and some animals for the CL. All within reason for a BM.

Then Wynters woke up, I was busy getting the CL their stuff, the round had hit a slog, FOB had metal ammo ect, they call me insane over comms a couple time which I thought was in jest, cause all of the walls were gone.

we continued our work for a short bit, they kept calling me insane, it was funny. Shortly after I return to req and see a bunch of Black Market equipment had been ordered, from there they called me a clown said they had done it on purpose because I was insane and knew how it all worked. They just spammed BM shit just to get me arrested.

I went around giving some stuff to people before my arrest, I returned to req where Wynters attempted to flash me, to which I stunned them, flashed, and assualted them, It wasn’t with any deadly weapons other than my fists, I at the time believed it to be in reason of escalation (attempting to flash me to shoving / punching)

The CMB found me and arrested us both due to them also using the BM. I did resist arrest.

Once in brig I escaped cuffs stabbed Wynters giving them a frac due to everything they had done, OOC I was pissed that an entire round had been wasted and IC I had just got arrested by this guy who did jack after waking up not moments prior.

And overall that’s why I made this ticket, they woke up and ruined 2 hours of work, contributed nothing to req other than getting us arrested for ‘rp’


(sorry for the edit, the forum bugged out and shifted everything up)


Right. I was expecting this. Lets talk it over.

I wake up late as a CT. I see Req completely destroyed, no walls, no nothing, black market gear everywhere. This is uh, something alright. I try and talk to people, figure out whats going on. I try to raise the QM, no answer. I start doing things around Req, I shipped 3-4 crates planetside overall during the round. I was not doing nothing in Req.
I was honestly calling the QM insane because to me they seemed insane, having destroyed the walls, black market gear everywhere. I was saying it on Radio, and asking the Captain to come look.
I try and engage you in RP to talk to you, and you ran off. I ask the Liasion to contact the CMB and I get no action taken (because they were working with you)
I then purposefully gather evidence, and deliberately order enough gear to call the CMB, because from what I’ve seen, the QM is running around not answering people, has dismantled Req’s walls, and is blatantly breaking the law.
I am clearly against what the QM is doing, I’m calling him a clown, insane etc. Its not that I just woke up and went funny hahaha ruin the round. I was honestly trying to resolve a clearly illegal and somewhat insane situation.

I cooperate with the CMB when they arrive, and then am I arrested. I am assaulted by the QM while in prison, and a whole bunch of other stuff happens that doesn’t apply to this. The QM is going OFF in LOOC, insulting me, calling me a PoS, clearly losing his temper. I ignore all of it, and keep trying to RP.

After the round ends, Philip hops into the discord for the round end and starts insulting me AGAIN. Saying that he’ll never work with me, that I’m the worst Req player he’s even seen etc. Saying I griefed the round etc.

I did in fact call the CMB due to an IC situation where I saw multiple things going haywire, no response from the QM when I tried to interact, minus one question where I tried to gauge how much BM stuff he had ordered. The QM was endlessly hostile to me in LOOC and in game, and I was never, at any point, really a ‘dick’ to him.

There was never any intent to grief. I woke up seeing the QM alone. Saw an insane situation, tried to talk it out, got no response, escalated it, got ignored, escalated it again to the CMB who oversee these situations.

Edit: I will admit I was likely a bit LRP in the way I handled calling the CMB.

That’s all I have to say. Thank you for your time!


Hello Dylisill and sevatar. I apologise for the delay.

I will be ruling this incident as a In-Character Issue.

My investigation in to this event has led me to this conclusion due to my belief that this outcome occured due to a lack of in-game communication brought on by mitigating in-game factors. The Quartermaster was not griefing or acting insane, as believed by the Cargo Tech, as they had sufficient rational to deconstruct the cargo bay, and they were roleplaying in the purchase of the black-market items. Whereas the Cargo Tech was led to believe that significant personnel and ethical issues were on-going within the requisitions department, the case of them waking up to a seemingly abandoned department that has had everything but the kitchen sink deconstructed with black market items left around, thus their following actions were justifiable from their perspective.

The only area I would say that I would caution both players, is that the OP did break escalation when they engaged in combat with the accused (albeit the attack was justified via roleplay). Furthermore, it is debateable that a Cargo-Tech mass-ordering black market items to intentionally trigger the response of the CMB is a case of metagaming or not. I am liable to consider it is not a case of metagaming, and to further suggest it may be a legitimate response to genuine in-game concerns regarding issues of breaking the law or lax enforcement. (Don’t construe this as a endorsement of said acts however).