Ear Medicine

Ear healing chem for when you get blown up, quite simple. Don’t have any ideas for the formula though.

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I like the idea, but maybe since it is a more minor effect we could implement it into reserch and add it to something like “nerve stimulating” so you can hear again faster depending on the level.

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Hearing already comes back pretty quickly even if you get maxcapped, it takes like a minute at most and it’s not that bad of an inconvenience. Personally as a corpsman main I probably wouldn’t take ear meds because its just taking up space I could take extra kits or splints or whatever for a med that’s purely a convenience.
And yeah that effect could be incorporated into stims.

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I was deaf for nearly 14 minutes one Op this week even with reconnecting

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I’d say if peridaxon is in your system, it should just give your hearing back really.

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14 min seem excessive what happen?
might be worth posting an issue…

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Whenever I’ve been struck by an OB, and revived, I’ll find myself deafened for a very long period of time, over 5 minutes, sometimes even 10.

Its rare for people to be deaf for long outside of OBs, but it does happen. Its really damn annoying.

While I would welcome some method to speed up the recovery time, but frankly I don’t think any Corpsman would spare the inventory space to carry something that is only going to be useful extremely rarely.

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True, comically long tinnitus should be reduced. Max should be 2 minutes from like direct OB


I do not think there would be anything left of you from a direct OB.

~Marine Screaming Noises

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Im surprised peri/IA doesn’t fix hearing already

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Yeah… I think if someone did a PR to make peri or IA fix it, it would likely be accepted, it seems like a reasonable change to me anyways.

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As someone who plays a decent amount of SL going deaf is one of the most annoying things that can happen even if it’s not overly common as it can break down all your coordination. Making IA able to fix it would be a nice middle ground I think.

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