Edith124 - Whitelist Report: Molly, Combat Synthing (i dont know what rule it is but yeah)
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
What rule(s) were broken?:
Combat Synthing (i dont know what rule it is but yeah)
Whitelist in question:
Description of the incident:
Solaris ridge, north fob, 3 hours into the round, queen just screeched and me and a rav were attacking cades and killing people, but then a synth named Molly tried to drag the ravager inside the cadelines and get them trapped, but the ravager got out, and after that I was also dragged inside the cadeline and the synth sucesfully trapped me inside the cadeline, killing me in the process
So after analyzing the full context beyond what was provided in the initial report description, this was all over a tussle to guard bodies and force through a barricade. There are multiple logged attempts to drag a body into the barricades and sometimes because of the movement and pushing xenos were touched. Since xenos are 100% reliably able to break a passive grab, dragging them inside of barricades is impossible without their consent, for whatever reason they followed inside of the barricade, closing a gate to prevent more xenos getting inside is a permissible action but also not logged, and as such we cannot ascertain for certain if marines or the accused synthetic were the ones who actually closed the barricade, if it was in question.
The end result summary is that this report is denied, accidentally touching a xeno with a grab while trying to drag a friendly body into a barricade gate is not a combat violation.