Electro-cades...... an idea for making generators not feel like a prop and rewarding battlefield salvage and tactics

so hear me out… Electro-cades.

i don’t know how to code soooooo…

Shocks the barbed wire, instead of damage small slow or stun effect
Damages Cade wires overtime
must have insolated gloves.

this would make portable gens or battlefeild gens a worthwhile investment and not just a static prop that gets in the way… and if have any more ideas about balance go for it

I feel like this would be OP- Xeno slowdowns are fucking brutal and a massive reason why xenos lose people. The slowdown would have to be gentler than sniper aimed flak and greenfire by a significant margin imo. Balancing this would be extremely difficult.

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Yeah, but so is marine slowdown, just counter it with the spitter castes and acid

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I don’t think cadehugging should be stronger tbh. Feels bad when the ONLY answer to countering it is a trapper boiler, or acider.


you dont get it bro the counter is to get over the unslashable cades and melt the unslashable generator… .


Power does need more uses, honestly if I could code I’d of salvaged the old E-grill code and called it the new “Electric fence” was super obvious they were shocked at the time, couldn’t shoot through’em either, that and they broke in like a single bullet or acid spit.

Both marines and xeno’s need some new defence shit.

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i do not know how to code… also i knew this going to show up

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we dont need more defence shit we need more options to break a stalemate