EMiiX - Player Report: CHI (Queen), Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 3: Don't be a dick

EMiiX - Player Report: CHI (Queen), Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 3: Don’t be a dick

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:


Accused character name:

CHI (Queen)

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 3: Don’t be a dick

Description of the incident:

I was roundstart xeno, evolved into drone with the intention of going carrier. Queen (CHI) Had apparently blocked everyone from building structures, so i could not build morphers to generate huggers and go carrier and set traps, and she was not oving either to generate eggs.

I tried asking her about the restrictions, she made just a general announcement for all drones to go rush survivors and leave hive in 30 seconds or be banished.

I informed her of my intentions or going carrier, which she just responded something along the lines of “stop bitching about morphers”.

Since i was not going to play drone caste, and evolving to carrier to set out of traps and try to secure caps was out of the question due to Queen restricting us from building and being toxic, i decided to de-evolve and go a different caste.

I was banished at the same time i de-evolved, keep in mind this was in a spam of few seconds to 1 minute of me asking, trying to figure out what the deal is with this Queen, and deciding to swap to a fighting caste instead to eventually evolve into a T3 instead of going carrier. I think because of my de-evolving at the same time she banish me bugged it out, she immediately banished me again once i evolved into defender, and proceeded to slash me to death at the hive and execute me there, at which i just layed down and let it happen i guess.

I ahelped it during the round but it was marked as an IC issue, wich i don’t really agree with, nor think its an IC issue.
Banishing me because i decided to go a different caste and also being a dick/toxic Queen.


*Edit typos and formatting because it broke once i posted it smh


Hey there, @eMiiX. I feel the need to reply this for the sake of transparency.

Normally, since this incident was marked as “IC issue” by in-game staff, this player report should be denied and a staff report should be filed instead. However, since it was not investigated in detail by myself for some reasons, we allowed this player report to be filed. In addition to this player report, there is no obstacle for you to file a staff report.

An Administrator will be assigned to handle this report soon.


Hi, thank you for the report.

Given the situation and what occurred, I’m going to be denying this report and sticking with the original in-game ruling - while you did communicate your intention to become a Carrier, going after survivors does not lock you out of being able to play as one (even if you don’t have any eggs on you); nor were you being forced to play solely as drone, you were simply instructed to go after the survivors on four separate occasions and you did not do so.

While I understand your frustration about being killed, as well, it is rather explicit that aliens do not have free will and are subject to the Queens will - and your banishment was ultimately not due to changing castes but because you refused to leave the hive and go after the survivors.

Report denied.

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