EMiiX - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - NessiePendragon

EMiiX - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - NessiePendragon

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Emiix Aegadan

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

So, The Captain plan this round was to paradrop us into an unsecured zone, apparently the Medbay area groundside as “first drop”.
Have the Scout “OB” medical, and then have two of our squads paradrop on it. An unsecured area, that can easily be swarmed or counter-attacked with no point of return in the middle of the AO without even knowing what our enemies are and where they are. I refused to go into the paradrop plan, and deployed on Alamo as normal. Since this was pretty much a suicide plan that i didn’t wanted to unneccesarely risk my life for, hot dropping into no mans land, and potentially dying there with no one to save or rescue us, or being swarmed.

To me, that sounds kinda incredible dangerous, suicidal plan even.

So, I’m aware, as a Specialist im held to the same standards as SL’s etc. And i’m not allowed to disobey orders without a good reasoning, however, i think paradropping into unknown area without even making contact with the enemy, and without it being secured, just “praying” that the OB will make the enemy or whatever there is down there not push back against the paradropping marines, sounds kinda suicidal to me.

I believe my reasoning is fair, and i have not refused any other orders and deployed as normal.
Now, Nessie doesn’t find that plan to be suicidal, but very dangerously.

Just because they not deploying me “alone” but with “some” marines from other squads.
I didn’t knew it needs a specific amount of marines to not be a suicidal order. How many are needed? 5?, 10?, 15?
So if i tell one marine to cross the burning water in Trijent, is suicidal, but if i tell all the squads to do it, it isn’t? by this reasoning.

This is the resulting note, wich also states “But not suicidal enough” So, it is suicidal? or it isn’t? or it is, but not enough suicidal what will it be.

(Edit: May also add, Medium Roleplay moment. You are responding to a distress signal, and your plan is to OB their Medical Area? Hooray, Warcrimes. And have “some” marines paradrop there, unaware of what even is the issue, or what you are facing if anything, with no comms, and no one to cover us, so you are effectively gambling a 50/50 suicidal mission, and 50% of your marine force getting killed and unrecoverable, if that doesn’t sound suicidal, idk what does.)


Not much else to add unless you want to check the Admin PM logs for the same reasoning i explaining here.


Hi, as the XO this round I want to throw in my two cents here.

The entire marine force exluding bravo and the delta spec were told to paradrop in, not just two squads. Intel was told to choose their preferred way of deployment.

When it comes to the RP standard the scout was told to find a good landing zone preferrably at medical and call in a OB to clear it if needed.
Mind that if there werent xenos at medical we wouldnt have OB’d the fucking hospital, lmfao.
Mind that we did have comms - Bravo and Intel fixed them. How otherwise would the scout tell us to send the OB, report contacts or do anything without gimping himself by hand carrying a radio backpack?

When it comes to strategy, medical is just east of lz2 which was the LZ I chose, so even hypothetically if the drop failed there was a straight retreat route to the LZ.

There was an attempt from afaik me and a SO to make you deploy, but you of course know we cannot mechanically make you and since there were no MP’s we couldnt even brig you for disobeying orders the entire platoon gladly followed, and I was not going to derail the round of anyone deputizable just to arrest one petty spec.


The entire marine force exluding bravo and the delta spec were told to paradrop in, not just two squads. Intel was told to choose their preferred way of deployment.

You are required to have a fob, so this makes sense.

When it comes to the RP standard the scout was told to find a good landing zone preferrably at medical and call in a OB to clear it if needed.

This is still the plan you gave us at briefing, and the orders for us were to deploy after the OB. So we wont have the choice to deploy normally like the IO’s. Instead, we will be flying on the Normandy waiting for a paradrop into unknown area. So you did plan to OB the Medical Area for whatever strategical reasons before you even knew what the threat was, if any.

Mind that we did have comms - Bravo and Intel fixed them. How otherwise would the scout tell us to send the OB, report contacts or do anything without gimping himself by hand carrying a radio backpack?

We had sometime after the initial drop, but not from the beginning. And assuming, bravo will get them fixed without issues or without being attacked alone. Wich in that case, woul’d leave the rest of paradropping marines without comms.

When it comes to strategy, medical is just east of lz2 which was the LZ I chose, so even hypothetically if the drop failed there was a straight retreat route to the LZ.

Assuming you can make it out, or you don’t get swarmed, or surrounded, or many other things that can happen. You are dropping us blind, and praying for a 50/50 coin toss. And then what, then its up for the survivors of bravo to drive the enemy out of there and recover us. Wich half of them are building the fob at that point. (Wich also, mind you, i dropped on Alamo with bravo, and they had cassualties and no medics groundside.)


I was in this round as the alpha SG, and when I asked where we were dropping, people just said “It’s a surprise”. I dunno if Emiix knew the paradrop location was precisely medical or not, though. Regardless, I was expecting the drop zone to be somewhere deeper, such as construction, reinforced by the fact everyone sat in the Normandy for 10 minutes waiting- Until the scout got murdered by the hive, and everyone deployed to LZ1 instead.

Throughout the whole wait, I pretty much expected us all to have a solid chance of completely wiping, as would most people. If anyone’s done deep paradrops before (cough LV-624 central barrens cough) you’ll know that full wipes even with 3 squads is common, even when it seems ‘easy’ to push to FOB. (Mostly because xenos literally shit out walls everywhere, thus blocking said “exit”. When I saw scrublands, it was basically a solid mass of resin. I am genuinely unsure how well we would’ve fared inside medical proper.)

This whole situation is complicated by the fact that “If you think the order is suicidal, you’re allowed to disobey” is purely subjective.
Whether a moderate chance of your death == suicidal or not, is totally up for interpretation.
If asked to drink a glass of water with a 50% chance of permadeath, where PVT John USCM sees a 50% chance of a glamorous victory for the flag, LCPL Emiix Aegadan sees a 50% chance of eternal doom.

Whilst personally I consider paradrops into Kutjevo medical to be “close enough to FOB to be not-suicidal”, a sizeable bunch of marines had no idea where the paradrop was, and in any case, some would obviously disagree.
However, I can see why people would see it as suicidal.

I’d say Emiix has a solid argument for their character believing the order to be reckless, and I can’t really blame them OOCly given they literally rolled SADAR and historically, paradrops have mostly been memes on par with split drops, not actual tactics. I think some leeway should be given here, but that’s just my two cents.


Sorry this took so long.
I have talked to Nessie about it, and it should be resolved better in the future.
This report is accepted, and the note will be removed.


Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict