explosion effect slop


It’s not bad, but removing the “Shockwave” effect was a mistake, that really helps sell the effect, combine them and it works better.


We got FX firing guns :cold_face:

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completely gutting cm aesthetic in favour of goofy RTS explosion effects from the year 2000 isnt good, it unironically makes me laugh from how bad it looks compared to everything else

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Personally I like it and adds some oomf to hiding behind rock walls as a xeno


I like the general idea, it felt great during the TM. However, the visuals don’t fit in with the CM aesthetic. They need to be changed, because currently it just feels like TGMC, with their non-existent art direction and truly awful patchwork of competing aesthetics.

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its not that bad but like basil said it doesnt really fit with the rest of our aesthetic in my opinion

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For me the effects look too pronounced, if they were scaled back more and smaller I think they would be good. If I am remembering correctly (only played one round with), I did love how there was a particle effect of actually hitting xenos and getting positive feedback that your hits are hitting. I think this is also visible with lurkers that are invisible.

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Yes I like it overall, but the effect sprites could be better, it’s very nice knowing what you’re hitting visually.