Discord Ban Appeal - Felix “Cash” Taylor River
What is your Discord ID?
What is your BYOND key?
Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
- Do not promote, coordinate, or engage in harassment. We do not allow any type of harassing behavior, including sustained bullying, sexual harassment, ban or block evasion, or coordinating server joins for the purpose of harassing server members (“server raiding”). (See our Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)
Forest has given me permission to appeal early. Thank you for that again.
I was commenting on the Beck “on site” video where a young girl badly photoshopped is talking about on sighting beck and its poorly made and silly. I said the following things.
“Oh my god yes” ( I was excited as I have been looking for this video for a long time).
“ahh the harrassment” (me sarcastically screaming about the video)
“I love it” (the statement in contention expanded below)
“to think that this was taken seriously in an report to the poitn that I THINK people were actually disciplined for it” (it’s a very silly video).
I was banned because certain staff interpreted what I wrote as me saying “I love it” with “it” being harassment. And that is me advocating and promoting harassment.
I believe this entire thing to be a misunderstanding because of my poor phrasing. My appeal is multipart:
What I actually meant was that I love THE VIDEO itself. I have a wide variety of clips from the game all of silly natures. It’s a silly example of what not to do, and how not to behave. That is the reason that the “I love it” is on a totally separate line. We were discussing funny video clips at the time… not a conversation on harassment. Ironically the video itself was ruled to be a “dont be a dick” violation with the maker getting a warning, so you could argue the video isn’t even harassment. This is entirely a misunderstanding.
Further, I have been playing this game for 9 years now. In that time I have been argumentative, especially when it comes to the server censorship; but I have never ever EVER been part of ANY of the multiple campaigns of harassment, doxing, raiding, bullying etc. You can literally look through years of my post and discord history and I think you will be hard pressed to find even a single example of me calling someone a name. I am one of the few people who has never been server suspended ever, for any amount of time, even for EORG. I have not been noted in over a year and none of my notes relate to bullying or harassment. I was a mentor for something like half a decade. I like most people on this server, and even those I dont agree with, I do not think should be harassed, its something I am against. My track record should speak for itself and give weight to this being a misunderstanding.
Finally, the punishment was very severe. For a single line statement that contains no slurs, profanity, etc. I was 0 tolerance 0 escalation instant discord banned, stripped from council, removed from my whitelist that I fought for literally 2 years to get back on, and banned for the duration of all of the holidays. Because of above I was not able to interact with the community during Thanksgiving break, Christmas Break, or New Years. The game give aways, etc. were all denied to me. I missed out on all the holiday events including special synthetic ones.
For the things I did wrong, I admit that my phrasing was stupid and poor. I CAN see how my statement was interpreted the way it was but it’s disappointing that staff was “unwilling to give you the benefit of the doubt”. I will be more careful and selective of my phrasing in the future.
I am also over arguing with people on this game, it gets us nowhere and only leads to 50+ page forum posts. It just drives rifts in the community. I will instead focus my efforts on more positive things.
I plan to reapply to mentor, and council and continue to push forward with new things for synthetic.
Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.