For the eight of you that only use forums and not discord:


1984, the idea of xeno “roleplay” within the hivemind beyond calling tallhosts and the metal birds and nests by their xroper xames is goofy and unnecessary. It feels a little iffy to push administrative action about when marines are so very clearly the roleplaying focus.

Tl;dr let me have fun as the NRP bug animals??


That is clear evidence that this Biolock guy (who knows that guy even?) is a baldie young beno that never played the game.

Alright jokes aside this is fucking dumb ngl. Years of “ImPrOvE, dO nOt ReMoVe” to literally remove part of the little to non-existent xeno RP.
Also I know it’s bad RP. But I’d much rather have bad RP instead of no RP.


Its xo fucking xover. Legally can’t have harmless fun with your fellow xisters anymore.


Xalhalla my beloved :patrice:

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what the xuck xan…

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I expect this to be memed on. Do your thing Xeno mains.

@Blue-Lou. Thank you for taking the time to post this.


I despise the xenos but this is going too far… They didn’t deserve this….
It’s never been more xover than it is right now.

But in all honesty I think this is dumb and really unnecessary, it’s like restricting marines from saying “unga”. It’s just fun terminology that sides say, I dunno why admins are cracking down so hard for something like this.


Don’t give them ideas, please


Oh my xod.


It is actually pretty stupid how we are forced to say stuff like metal bird for dropship.

We are already speaking in xenospeech, we don’t have to stop typing as we were. SS13 has always been like that, if you have the Russian language in game you just type in plain English and it is “translated” and taken as Russian, you don’t have to larp, same way if we just say dropship, it is not like we xeno knows the name dropship, we are speaking in xenospeech either way, we are just not larping something made up.

That said just let people have fun. If someone is saying “Its xover”, its just two players having banter and fun, roleplay wise it is taken as if a xeno is speaking something about their defeat in their particular speech.

If UPP infantry says “Shut up bro” they are actually saying “Заткнись, братан!” roleplay wise and for everyone that doesn’t understand it. You don’t enforce people to talk like Russians if they don’t want to, because it is stereotypical as fuck too, but you could have the excuse of enforcing it for roleplay since you can actually say a Russian or Chinese wouldn’t talk like this, fair. Now Xenos?

That’s how languages were implemented in SS13 as people don’t actually speak them, their characters do. Trying to enforce speech patterns is just larp, even more so for xenos.

Its just larp man. Xeno vocabulary and linguists were just invented by CM-SS13.

I am all for HRP, I personally like my game immersive and would prefer people don’t do it ideally yes but that’s how people have fun, I don’t mind, I do not have other people not enjoying the game as my goal.

Xeno gameplay is stale and mechanical heavy, you don’t have much room for roleplay other than acting like a submissive part of a hivemind, and that’s no fun and gets old, this measure will make the Hive a bunch of silent drones listening and relaying orders as they are supposed to do.

Xeno roleplay as we have it is people cracking jokes or acting cutesy with each other. And it is fine unless you desire the above mentioned.


Tbf you aren’t forced to say metal bird, skyfire, boomtube or smartspitters anymore- Justification from staff being that the hivemind is simply ‘xeno thoughts translated into English’.

I do agree that it’s sad that one of the only fun things in hivemind is gutted now, though. I don’t know of anyone who was genuinely pissed off about ‘muh immersion break’ from people saying ‘xoly xhit’, and if someone was, they are a very small minority with a ridiculously outsized megaphone.

For how bland xenomorph ““roleplay”” is (frankly, xenos are allergic to roleplay- I can’t even think of how you could implement it like for marines. Xenos are mindless beasts hellbent on reproduction and serving their Queen, at best you just me"growls" and spam me"*needshelp"), this was like one of the few things xenos had.

I think we ought to take a look at ourselves and think about rules applying to the spirit of the game, rather than the strict wording. Things can and should be bent if it’s just harmless fun. This is one of those cases, in my opinion.

No one got hurt, it broke up the monotony of hivemind, and frankly if you’re playing xeno the last thing you care about is roleplay. Xeno RP is a fantastical concept, and it’s farcical to believe this rule change will ‘improve roleplay standards’, because there weren’t any to begin with. All it does is slightly reduce enjoyment of the game, not improve it in any way.


Feel the need to point this out.


no more slurs with one letter replaced with x i hate this place


Is the solution to replace every other non-vowel letter in the middle of a word with x?

Hexxo faxe hoxt if you axaxxon txe real hoxxs you sxaxl suxxixe txe nixxt.
(Hello fake host if you abandon the real hosts you shall survive the night.)

Real xeno RP


Well, it does only specificly say starting the word with X, so I guess its time to end words with X.

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I am a returning player, I am glad that changed, it’s a step in the right direction and in line with my argument.

BasilHerb ultimately complemented it and put it solidly.

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Just wanted to thank you for sharing on here since i am banned from discord, would feel a bit shit getting banned/noted for a change i didn’t know about. Cheers


Well said and completely agree.


Replace last letter of a word with x instead. Its so ovex.