Froggied Up: Menace 2 Soci-Uh-Tee 2: Tha Return: Reloaded

Nobody really knows me but I just wanted to make a forum post to say I have a forum account now. Maybe I’ll make some guides, maybe I’ll post some art, maybe I’ll do some shiddin and some pissin. Who knows.

I have been seriously wanting to do lobby art though so I’ll throw out some options I’ve been cooking and let the responses gauge which one I do first (or at all):

  1. Gas-masked rifleman with blood leaking out of the gasmask, struggling to get off the ground on the battlefield - silhouettes of aliens and reens fighting in the background

  2. TF2 styled line-up with 9 reens: a spec, an SG, medic, engie, SL, and some assorted riflemen, all shoulder to shoulder in varying, thematically fitting action poses based on their role and loadout.

  3. Rainbow Six Siege styled poster: a side-view of reens busting through a resin door and a medley of different aliens on the other side, getting ready to be breached. One side is lit up, clean - the other is sticky, dark, gloomy.

  4. Backview of some nameless marine on an M2C/M56D, hopelessly yet fearlessly blasting away at towering T3’s as they approach.

  5. A swarm of xenos (probably just drones) surrounding some prone marine - the only part of him revealed in the dogpile being his arm, sticking straight up, holding a primed HEDP.

  6. Two marines back to back, a singular flare between them for safety from the dark, with silhouettes of runners and lurkers surrounding them - maybe just a tail here or a clawed hand there is illuminated by the flares and armor lights.

  7. Action shot of a reen carrying a wounded buddy over his shoulder, wildly hip-firing an M39; the POV being behind the xenos charging after them - crawling on the floor, walls, ceiling - rushing from the dark into the light as they give chase.

  8. A grim, “aftermath” styled picture of a marine half mossed-over by weeds; burnt out flares surrounding him, acid melted weaponry, distant crumpled piles that suggest other casualties; maybe half his helmet and gasmask is blown off and it’s just a skull with a big tail whip puncture hole through it.

  9. A series of “field note” style portraits of all the xeno castes/strains, with diagetic elements that imply the picture itself is an in-universe, mock-up drawing by a researcher of some kind, with little scribbled notes on what they do, how to combat them, etc. Not like… legitimate metaknowledge or actual hard counters like “HMMM YES THIS XENOMORPH IS WEAK TO PB BUCKSHOT” but more like “Quick, but frail” for runners or “Seems to especially fear fire” for boilers.

  10. Western stand-off style: a CL, two PMCs, against the CO and two MPs - hands on weapons, stern faces, seconds away from blasting, etc.

  11. A gang of UPP/CLF struck with sheer horror as they are boarding the Almayer, only to find it weeded, pitch-black, and with skittering shadows. Meh. This would sorta just be 3-4 guys in a dark hallway that’s rife with xeno-sign. Kinda boring even writing it. Could be cool if some are turned away and some turned toward the POV - facing DOWN a hallway - dead marines against the walls and facedown, xeno blood acid stains and pockmarks, bullet holes, some weeds creeping out of a broken airlock. But either there’s MORE of the UPP/CLF or MORE of the clear signs of battle and infestation.

I have some more ideas, and a couple ideas for meme art, but I’m kind of conflicted making meme art because I know that the funnies are only up on the lobby rotation during lowpop or less serious events/holidays/etc. Not that I’m saying I wouldn’t do it solely because it wouldn’t get seen enough, but my intent with this generally is to add new lobby art for people to enjoy and the more serious stuff is just more fitting, and is also shown regularly in comparison.

No clue how to make a poll but honestly an 11 option poll sounds useless, so… you guys figure it out. I’ll start on whichever is most popular by like, 5-10 votes.

Edit: I’ll include the meme ideas too actually just for fun.

1a. Lurker choking out a reen TLOU2 style, think I’ve already seen a CM TLOU2 meme, but I can’t recall if it was HvX and in this particular configuration. It seems obvious to me.

2a. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure stand off with a shotgun reen and a runner. I either dreamed this or somebody has done something similar.

3a. A meme I imagined I would entitle, “CO’s POV” - looking through cracked, handprint and booger covered glass at a Where’s Waldo style horde of varyingly idiotic and goofy looking marines as they await briefing orders.

4a. A chaotic image of a (too) late-stage marine bursting on the OR table, as the marine entasked to kill the possible larval burst instead accidently blows the doctor away. Exasperated doctors and laughing marines look on from the window.

5a. Another medbay meme - zombie-like reens banging on the glass of the chemline trying to get in as a tearful, lone doctor frantically mixes together a tank of unga.

6a. Peter Griffin reen battling xenos. That’s it. That’s literally it. USCM PFC Peter Griffin. I wouldn’t even draw this one. I’d just find a still shot of Peter shooting a gun and put CM edits on him. Lower the quality the better. I may even deliberately ruin the quality by re-saving it as a JPEG and shrinking/blowing it up a few times.

7a. Nightcrawler CC - just some sick freak with a camera and a shit eating grin watching a marine get cartoonishly wrecked and not lifting a finger to help.

8a. Deployed chef - cheeseburger quick-reload pouches, chest bandolier with sausages, holding a baguette like a weapon, pizza box backpack rig like Spiderman but tacticool, universal enzyme and ketchup on the belt as a sidearm, etc. Blurry background, explosions going off, he’s all bandaged and scuffed up like he’s actually been doing something, somehow.

9a. “MARINE MAJOR BABYYY” word bubbled over one marine, nearly mummified from all the gauze, one good eye left, missing teeth, birds and stars circling around his head, a little smoldering flame on his shoulder, smiling and giving the thumbs up - with a half burning, crashed lifeboat behind him and forsaken xenos grinning through the window.

That’s all I got for now.

Don’t care gonna here’s one anyways

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0 voters
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Here’s what you would look like if you were in a poll

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  • 9a
0 voters

Here’s one for the memes too then.

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Wow these are some really cool ideas! I especially like the R6 and research notes concept. Very cool!


so our votes came in, the highest is 9 and 11


Way ahead of you, already got the linework for 11, drafts for 3 and 4, and 9a is nearly done. I will admit though, I was hoping for some more votes. Feels a little unfair to propose lobby art based on three pollers, who only won a 5-way tie by one. I’ll finish them soon though.

I also have to bitch and say I’m particularly disappointed not a single staff member voted either - figured somebody who adds to the server in a literal, tangible way with code or sprites or something, or maintains things in the community interpersonally, would like a chance to throw their own opinion in on something and not have to worry about impartiality or balance or hurting anyone’s feelings.


Yea… Thas rite… I’m callin’ y’all froggies out…

Anyways, should I post the art here, or in an ideaguys thread as a proposal for new lobby art, when it’s all finished? Or is there an art megathread?

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There is a character art megathread (search for it), I guess you could put it in there. On the staff feedback, CM’s open source, no need to ask admemes.

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i have absolutely no idea why im pinged or frozen or segrain or biolock or harry

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Bro’s about to get wiped.