FrogZeke - Player Report: Brendan Mull, Rule 3, Rule 4, Rule 11, ML, SOP

FrogZeke - Player Report: Brendan Mull, Rule 3, Rule 4, Rule 11, ML, SOP

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:


Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Brendan Mull

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 3, Rule 4, Rule 11, ML, SOP

Description of the incident:

For some background, most of the survivors made it alive or revivable by the time the marines came to their hold in cargo. One of the survivors was CLF and was killed by the marines. Due to my synth’s background in PSYOPS, the capture and interrogation of CLF is a primary objective. This resulted in my synth reviving, informing the MPs of the CLF’s status, treating, and stripping the CLF of all equipment before passing them over to the MPs to be imprisoned.

MP Brendan Mull took the survivors to processing, updating IDs. Enlisting in the USCM, I was given full access to perform my duties as survivor. De’Santa, one of the IOs, focused on interviewing the CLF prisoner and the other survivors about the events leading up to the marines’ operation. One of the survivors decided to do a jailbreak, which caused chaos on the ship, and I attempted to delay the survivors for the MPs as they were dismantling windows into the brig. The survivors ultimately escaped, but one was rearrested. It was discovered that one of the survivors was given all access.

Mull accused me of getting the survivor all access, which I said I did not and reminded him that synthetics, who are versed in ML, are incapable of violating ML which is both a IC and OCC restriction on synthetics to include synthvivors when they join the USCM.

Mull had me come to the brig for an ID change, resigning me to Mess Technician. Restricting access is on the commander as per the SOP. (This became an issue later due to there being infected personnel on the ship and a queen, though I focused on containment and assisting the CMP with the xenos on the ship with adequate personnel in medical.)

I moved to CIC to have my ID updated properly. Mull and I conversed on the MP channel as to my status and came to CIC and told me to lay down. I was zip tied and carried to the brig for giving all access to a survivor. In the brig, the SEA questioned the MP as to my detainment, and told him not to arrest me. I was put in the interrogation room to sit. I did not resist or attempt to leave as it would violate ML. The SEA came to interview me, but the chaos on the ship continued and he had to leave. There was an explosion in the brig, which I reported on both the command channel and MP channel.

Due to the amount of time in the interview room with no interaction besides the radio, I ahelped to find out what happened. The individual that gave the survivor all access was, in fact, Brendan Mull himself, who seemed surprised ICly. He was told to release me, which included him coming into the interview telling me that I was free, then he left again, leaving me for a couple more minutes. I mentioned it to him on the radio, and he told me that I would have to wait. He returned to escort me out a couple of minutes later.

Rule 3: There is a certain point that being detained without evidence becomes a problem. Interactions with MPs can be a good RP experience for everyone involved. Locking up a synthetic, that cannot change their allegiance once declared and cannot violate ML if they declare as USCM, feels like trolling. I was in the interrogation room for 15 to 20 minutes, and the majority was not interacting at all.

Rule 4: I love when people are suspicious of synthetics, it has led to some of my favorite rounds and interactions. Locking up and ignoring someone that has not been arrested in an area they cannot escape from when there are a lot of things going on they are capable of helping with is griefing the person and potentially affects others in the round.

Rule 11: To quote the wiki on the military police page, “You are held by a higher standard and are required to obey not only the server rules but the Marine Law.” Mull violated arrest procedures by detaining without evidence for a crime that was of his own doing by giving a survivor all access. The SOP states that ‘The Commander may restrict anyone from accessing any area of the ship’. To my knowledge the ACO was not contacted, and Mull took it upon himself to sentence me for something that he did. I cannot speak to the motive behind Mull’s actions, I do not know if he knew he did it or not. I know when a synth violates the synthetic guidelines, they are reported. For MPs to have all their IC and OCC protections, they, too, are held to a high standard.


It was a long round with a lot happening, I only have the screenshots from the end of the round showing the SEA talking to the CMP (which latejoined and was immediately in combat with xenos on the ship) and Mull.

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I feel it should be noted, that I have contacted the synth council about clarifying procedures in dealing with synthvivors in marine law and the SOP, as currently, the clause is poorly worded and open to a great deal of interpretation.


Pulling Logs


SEA of that round here to add a bit more.
By the time I woke up the first CMP had just cryoed. On my first walk about of the ship when I was walking past CIC I saw MP Mull carrying Day to brig. Day has already stated in the report what it was over so i will skip to the part in brig and my time in the AI core.

Firstly in the brig, I talked to the MPs that were there, Mull being one of them. There was one man in perma cells and one man in the regular cells. Mull says again it was Day, I cant recall what the second MP said but something to me just felt off. So with no request of crew needing my help I stuck around and talked to everyone I could. Firstly the man in the regular cells who it seemed did not speak good english was able to tell me in the end what what he belived a MP in a beret did the IDs not Day. Day told me in the interrogation cell they had suffered damages ground side and were rebooting when the IDs were being done. They had LOOC to me that iirc spilled a drink on their device irl and had to clean it up and as a result hit the power button a few times while cleaning. I then spoke to the man in perma cells and asked him the same thing I asked him the same thing to which he said while he was 100% sure it was a MP but not sure which MP but only 50% it was Mull. I spoke to Mull about all this and told him case at best was weak, and eye witnessed accounts pointed to him or an other MP. I asked him did he check was ARES about the ID change logs, to which he said no. He said something along the lines, “they almost never respond or help” iirc.

So this leads me to going to CIC and getting access to have a chat with ARES about the logs. Almost instantly permission was allowed but I did also send a ahelp regrading the same reason to help speed thing along so time would not be wasted. Once at ARES I asked a few questions and ARES was able to confirm Day had not dont any ID changes, MP Mull had to the one man who was brigged in the regular cells.
FrogZeke has already included screen shots of me calling out Mull on MP comms after I learned the truth. There is not much more to add, Please feel free to ask me if any other info is needed.

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I’m placing this post on hold, pending review from Management as I was informed that it has been handled in game.

In such a case, you will have to file a staff report against the staff member that handled it in game if you disagree with the way it was handled first before making a player report.

This post is awaiting review, before log pull is completed.


Handled this in-game.

Heya FrogZeke, This ticket was mostly handled by Forest, but due to technical difficulties I ended up closing it out. I had a talk with Mull, and he also recieved administrative punishment for this incident. In the round end delay rush, I neglected to talk with you about how this was handled, and that was my bad. Sorry about that. Anyhow, this report is DENIED due to it already being handled.


Added report:denied and removed report:pendinglogs