FXF - Xenomorph Queen Application
What is your Xeno Prefix?
What is your XenoCord ID?
2 Tap Tackler
How many XenoCoins do you posess?
As of this post I have 2947 XenoCoins
What is your timezone in UTC?
Xeno Castes Do You Play The Most?
(Pre Rework) Sentinel, Runner, Warrior, Praetorian (Warden strain).
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
too cool to be banned
Hive Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I have numerous hours as a selected hive leader of a queen.
Hours in Drone:
Hours as a Leader:
Queen Information:
Why did your Xenomorph decide to become the Queen of a Hive?
got bullied by other larvas into becoming a queen instead of hunting survs at 00:06 on LV-522
How did your character attain the position of Queen?
Provide a short story of your Queen.
Queen Actions:
When do you believe it’s time to Gib a tallhost?
A particularly annoying tallhost that simply does too well at shooting me. Gib should be used as often as possible to give the Hive the best chances of overcoming the tallhosts and expanding the Hive.
Give some examples of when you would or would not Gib.
Seeing the corpse of a SADAR loaded with OT Cyclo rockets - Do not Gib, this tallhost has the ability to Gib other tallhosts on the frontline, along with killing every other tall nearby, they are undoubtedly an asset to the hive.
Seeing a Smartgunner pushing forward 2 tiles ahead of other tallhosts - instantly rush out, screech, grab, and capture. do not gib. this tallhost makes for an easy capture with how isolated they are from their fellow smartgunners.
Seeing a tallhost that killed itself instead of being captured - instantly gib. these talls should DIE.
seeing a tallhost that finishes off a crit sister - screech, neurospit them, force a drone to keep them tackled while I gib them.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to Banish a Xenomorph?
A Banish is a unique and irreversible ability to take a xenomorph out of the round at the sole judgment of a single queen. I think that it is a very important tool but also I believe that realistically speaking the sole roleof the queen is to ensure the greatest number of players under their command enjoy the round. Being Banished is extremely shitty, particularly if you don’t feel it’s deserved. Misuse of it can also reflect poorly on the role of Queen as a whole and it can also deny the QM a role in the hive structure if you don’t give Her the opportunity to do Her job.
Give some examples of when you would Banish a Xenomorph.
A young XX drone is slashing captures in the hive - Banished, screeched, deovi and murder them
A prime Warrior is slashing tallhosts in a one versus one scenario on weeds with no other tallhosts in sight - banished.
A elder runner is ignoring orders to return to hive to AFK for 10 minutes until marines are 1 screen away from hive, instead choosing to secure 10 captures - Banished, send another runner to murder them.