A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?
If I was cloaked, I would just play a sound cue, be it a laugh or a roar and disengage to a safe distance and see how they react. If they insist on chasing me, I would try to fight them in a secluded area, and if they die, bring their bodies back to FOB.They might have mistaken me for a xeno as far as i know.
If I was uncloaked I would try to engage them immediately if the place would not alert more marines, otherwise lure them further away. If i win just throw their bodies back to the FOB.
Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
I would consider it an insult to me and would demand an explanation over the radio.
I would demand an apology and maybe a task to be done. If the person was remorseful and apologised, I would leave it at that and maybe hang it over their head in future conversations, but if they showed no sign of care or wish to fix their mistake I would be leaning towards requesting an honor duel all depending how the confrontation went.
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
Gachiweeb is one of the funniest people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in this community. As a marine, Dominic Powers always comes up with hilarious and new gimmicks and stories; as a xeno, he was one of the first people who taught me pred when I first got the whitelist, if you know what I mean.
I can’t wait to see what you can do with pred. This was a long time coming. +1
+1 took you long enough to apply for one. And yes he’s superb in both robustness and rp as he, a CMP interrogated me, a RO for my crime of “sold most of the ship’s nuclear power to WY.”
Gachiweeb is an old time player that provides incredible roleplay whenever he’s around, I have no doubt he’ll bring this mentality into the WL. +1
However I have a questiom
Which Minion type is your favourite?
Browns, the all rounders of an evil lord
Reds, who spew fire from balls of pure immolation, also incredible at range
Greens, the assassins, able to handle many types of goodness such as Elves or Dwarfs with ease
and Finally Blues, the Medics, who are also able to provide medical assistance to every other specialisation of Minion.
I look forward to seeing your response.
Well that is a really deep question. You have to consider multiple factors when trying to answer such a great question.
The browns first ones to recognize you as their true overlord posses unmatched strength and ferocity in the minion kingdom. They charge into battle without thought and self care ready to lay down their lives to help you achieve their goal.
The reds, while lacking brute strength and hardiness are able to extinguish dangerous flames spread around the land as well as breaking the enemy ranks with unending barrages of fireballs. They suffer greatly when put in close combat so they need the support of other species.
The Greens, hardened by their habitat to withstand poisons and dangerous gasses are one of the sneakiest creatures in the realm. Being allowed to hide in any terrain they jump on the target riddling it with holes from their claws.
The Blues, prosecuted for their magic affinity, learned to heal their fellow minions, a truly selfless act also developed webbed feet allowing them to swim through the dangerous current of rivers and sewers. They lack any kind of combat ability which puts them in a purely support role in your horde.
So which minion is my favourite ? You know in my opinion it’s not like it’s good or bad. If I had to say what I value most in life, I would say people. People who gave me a helping hand when I struggled, when I was alone. What’s interesting is that random encounters influence your life. What I mean is when you have certain values, even those which seem universal, you sometimes don’t find understanding which I would say helps us to grow as a person. I myself had luck if I could say that, because i found that understanding and i thank life for that. I thank it because life is a song, a dance, life is love. Many people ask me the same, “how do you do it”, “how do you find happiness”. And I say “it’s easy”. I adore life. That same life led me to apply for this whitelist and tomorrow ? Who knows? Maybe I’ll become a moderator or just a farmer.
To end this I would just say evil always finds a way.
holy shit this is gold. I’m gonna +1 you just for making me laugh.
( in all of seriousness, the story was amazing to read, haven’t seen you around much and would love to RP with ya, but it’s probably a time-zone issue. Other then that, hope you get the WL for pred. )
DP/Dominic Powers as Yautja
Easy +1, a chad person i have huge respect for as xeno and marine for a very long time. Great at RP, friendly and also deadly good in cm. Wish you good luck with the whitelist !
Dominic Powers has been around as long as I can remember and I’ve had numerous interesting roleplaying interactions with him through the years. He’s not only good at roleplaying but, he’s pretty exceptional with combat.
Can’t wait to run into your pred and get my ass kicked. +1 my man!
For me the most halal way of dispatching the abomination would be:
Waiting for a suitable time and place to attack, preferably when I can catch it alone or with little escort as to cause as little problems to people not actually defending it.
First try to use as little weapons meant for dishonorable prey as possible, maybe a single shot from the plasma rifle or pistol then go into melee.
If the first assault fails I would use the plasma pistol to set the ones defending it on fire as to clear the way to the abomination itself and then engage it in melee when its escort is scattered.
All in all, the amount of force used would depend on the situation. I think the most important part is to ensure everyone enjoys the combat so even though I could use the full arsenal on the abom and the ones defending it I would refrain from lethal HPCs, stun hitting or cloak combat. For me the most important part would be ensuring the death of the abom while also minimizing the damage to the hive itself to the best of my ability.