Gas masks rework

Doesn’t work against acid burning your skin off, but it does work against (non xeno) gasses.

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I know that too. I was in DS at some point and some chucklehead threw a damn smoke nade inside. I was wearing the M17 or whatever its called and I coughed. Didn’t seem to work. That’s my whole point. The accessory doesn’t even work then

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make the filter cost vendor points to make metaslaves shoot themself in the foot, I like it

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that assuming the mask actually has game impact. Otherwise there is not even a point in adding seperate filters.

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Gas masks used to have no effect against boilers. Then they did, and everyone started wearing them. It got out of hand and they removed it, so it’s a cosmetic again.

Honestly, I’m against making gasmasks give a buff to xeno gas in any way, shape or form. The buff, no matter how minor will cause a lot of people to feel inclined to wear it- And then we’re back to square one.

Let’s… not repeat that cycle again. We tried it before, it didn’t work.


Seems like many people forgot that gas mask had actually a downside when worn and wasn’t giving complete protection against boiler gas, it could have that again.

The downside was reduced vision like welding helmet/goggles, but wearing, or taking off one is as simple as two clicks for each.
Because of that this downside barerly mattered, sure you couldn’t really run gasmask 24/7 unless you were engineer fixing cades, but it was meaningless when it could be worn so fast.

It still wasn’t 100% protection from acid gas.

Adding delay to wearing and smaller delay for taking it off and a speed penalty when worn would be completly balanced. Now you have to anticipate boiler gassing, or be even slower. Speed is king, so there would be no meta for anyone but engineers, but hey, if anyone deserves some protection from boiler gas is those guys.


It still wouldn’t make much sense that a gas mask protects against acid gas. It’s like thinking you’d be safe in space since you are wearing your scooba suit.

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Atleast the scuba suit covers your skin (even if that won’t matter), it’d be more like wearing a respirator in space.

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what if boiler gas does burn plus lung damage when inhaled but wearing the gas mask only prevents the lung damage and not the burn i might be stupid tho

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That is buffing the boiler gas, and nerfing marines to HAVE to use gas masks. Big no.

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It never did completly protect against acid gas. And it makes sense to have an effect, since with it on you don’t get acid into your lungs and eyes.

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I mean, when did a standard military grade gasmask protect against acid in any form though? If you want to be realistic about it, all your gear should start melting once you step into the acid gas, and if you stay long enough you yourself just melt into a puddle.

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The stuff you wear sure can get damaged but you will need a really large amount of acid to melt your entire body. So yeah just severe chemical burns.


I mean, its the same acid we see in the movies just melt through several levels of space ship hull just from drops, but in gas form.


Who said it is the same acid aliens have in their blood? It is all headcannon.
“Boilers” in Colonial Marines are just old xenos who explode to shower everyone with their blood.

Also, for the gameplay purpose both alien acidic blood, alien acidic spit and alien acidic gas aren’t as powerfull. Otherwise they would destroy marine armor, hold weapons, their flesh, their cades, depressurize Almayer etc in a matter of seconds.

It is really not that hard to find a connection: Acidic gas - not breathing it in and not having it in your eyes equals less damage.

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Lets go full NBC warfare.

Marines are issued a NBC kit containing MOPP gear, a full on gas mask, carrier for the external gas cylinder which needs to be attached, special overgarment which you throw over your armour (like a poncho) and a special covering for your gloves and boots.

You need to carry all this in a big sized kit which takes up the same space as a first aid kit in your backpack or other storage area.

You need to spend 10 seconds putting all this gear on at minimum and you need to put it all on.

The result of wearing it, you slow your movement speed by a huge margin and you lose some of your vision, but you gain a tiny amount of resistance to neuro gas and a small bonus to acid damage defence.

Naturally, since you are a Marine, the Corps ain’t gonna spend big bucks for the best protection. Your gear is to keep you alive for the next few hours, not the next few decades.

“Your acid injury is not service related”


Officially XX-121 don’t exist, therefore long term injuries inflicted by them are not service related.


NGL, i am down for that only to get a poncho

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gas mask used to give like ~5 bio protection and everyone used it for that explicit reason
this is just gonna lead to everyone taking a gas mask again

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re add anti boiler gas masks, so I can shotgun a gas mask filter in the dying body of every boiler as a “fuck you” to them from the bottom of my heart

man I hate boilers, especially trappers