give queen a motorcycle to compensate for screech nerf

Queen with the nerf just seems bad. A small buff for her is enough to compensate. Let her buckle stunned/neuro’d people to her motorcycle and drive away with them for easy caps. This way we make the game more balanced and a bit more immersive.

If the queen dies, Marines can loot the motorcycle and use it for their own means.


I know this is goop but was there a recent screech nerf? Link to PR please?

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Checked and its not being testmerged right now, but might have been earlier.


Thanks for the link. Looks like it hasn’t been tm’d yet, look for the lines like “cm13-github added a commit that referenced this pull request [4 days ago] TGS Test Merge” - those will indicate it.

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Yes, she’s already wearing shiny black chitin and looks like a baddie, this idea makes a lot of sense, thank you for this content

One question: how will the queen fuel the motorcycle as xenomorphs lack a Xohn X Xockefeller in their history


Make it a unicycle. Come on.

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