Basically there’s no real way to plan for what mix of t3s you’ll have it’s just who’s fastest on the draw for hitting evo at 00:20 so you often end up with very imbalanced hives like 5 ravs or whatever. The main thing is that queens often want at least 1 boiler and don’t get one which can make it an uphill struggle. There’s already a system in place whereby burrowers and hivelords are given 1 guaranteed slot each at t2 so I’d propose like a dynamic version of that for t3 so queen can set 1 slot to be guaranteed e.g., queen wants 1 boiler so sets that or 1 crusher so sets that. 5 or + ravs is still soul though and I don’t think queen should get to dictate evos that harshly so I think only having control of one slot would be fair.
while this idea is certainly good quality of life and would mechanically make managing the hive easier i can’t help but think this could also be solved by communicating with people.
at the end of the day the queen is the leader of the hive and, should the need arise, has means at her disposal to enforce compliance.
its true that getting devolved or even banished sucks, there is no doubt about that, but not to dissimilar from a CO with the marines, the queen’s word is law for the hive.
This has never worked through communication because to actually get a t3 evo 9/10 times you have to evo at 00:20 so it’s just quickest on the evo button. I’ve seen queens try and communicate what they want and still end up with 0 boilers or crushers or whatever. As for devolve/banishment I don’t think I’ve ever seen a queen use devolving and even then there’s no mechanism to stop young xx spitter immediately evoing to prae when the slot opens (in fact on the rare occasion someone voluntarily deevos or someone notices an open slot and calls for someone to evo to boiler this often occurs). With regards to banishment it has a bigger impact on xenos than a BE for marines simply because xenos are fewer in number, and it might risk losing a slot anyway from numbers going down (I think anyway I forget how this works).
tl:dr yes the queen has negative enforcement methods available but queens rarely leverage them for t3 composition and adding in a neutral method of enforcement would save a lot of acrimony and work 100% of the time
fair arguments, especially regarding the “young spitter” case. again, your idea is by no means bad, it would certainly offer a mechanical solution.
i will say however, it is a little sad to hear that hive cohesion is so low tho.
In my many hours of playing queen i have yet to need specific t3 composition, and if you really need boiler (or other caste) you can just ask or de-evolve people if you want specific castes.
Also banishment refunds dead xeno as larva.
absolutely this, even if you have a dogshit comp like 7 ravs they will just inevitably start dropping dead and slots will be getting filled by warriors and spitters etc
sure but this way you might have 1 t3 which then makes those 6 ravs more effective rather than having being on a spiralling decline as t3s keep dying.
doesn’t really happen often though and xenos get bitchy about queens who are banish happy, just think this would be an easier way to manage things in the early round not saying its some necessary change but would be nice quality of life
My main concern is that queen already have 100000 verbs in alien tab, just stating my opinion that I personally don’t need it.
Responding to the part about xenos being bitchy - if you play queen you already have to not give a damn about people bitching about you, it will happen no matter what you do.
This is useful in the case when you need a boiler to pull of a specific flank or plan, if you don’t need it doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t aswell. Overall this is a good idea.