gl0ck - Player Report: Moshe Navon, Rule 4

gl0ck - Player Report: Moshe Navon, Rule 4

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Randy “Mimir” Earl

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Moshe Navon

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 4

Description of the incident:

The round went mostly as normal, we had about 3 active MPs plus me, the CMP. Then apperently the XO stated that req hasnt sent “any crates” or very little. (Which was very wrong). They with this announcement ordered “all” MPs be under Command of an SO (lower ranking than me mind you) to be in command of all MPs and that they were all to head to req.

During this, we also had an ASO, several SOs, and i’m not sure if there were CTs at all, but there were MORE than enough people to man req. But the this results in me fighting with the XO about how they made an illegal order to subvert the Chain of Command and I won’t stand for them making some SO command MY Officers. XO retorts by saying they are my superior officer and they can order me to do whatever. (Bob Cross take btw)

This, in my eyes is a clear violation of Rule 4 in forcing someone to both; play a role they did not sign up for, and forcing MPs to ignore either current, or potential crimes, which is already strictly against ML to commit in the first place.

And as a side note, we did have a Major in the op that we were playing. Which depending on how you interpret it likely meant they no longer had command over us anymore anyways given the CMP page says " Commanding Officer / Commander".



i told your mp to help out in req under the leadership of a SO because bravo said they had no material

you refused


despite 15k req points reportedly being spent on metal by you AND sent to FOB?


if bravo tells me they dont have mats i act on what they’re saying

its as shrimple as that


there was a CT this round btw, he just was kind of new (PVT and longtime player on a different server)


Hey there, people!

Although the announcement could be more clear, I believe XO’s intention was not to grief the MP department by changing their department head but to make the Requisition work more effective considering it was just one Cargo Technician trying their best.

In this scenario, XO authorized one of their Staff Officers to oversee/help the Requisitions and ordered MPs to help the Requisitions work under the command of Lieutenant Smiggins. This means that they were answering to Lieutenant Smiggins for Requisitions matters, and that they were answering to the CMP and XO for Marine Law and MP matters. It is legal for Commanders to appoint MPs to Requisitions so long as they’re not forced to stay there to the detriment of their main duties.

I do not believe XO has done anything against Rule 4 / Griefing. Report denied.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict