Groundside should have more money or Intel for req so they have more funding

Might come of typical ahhh ahhh buff req since I’ve never seen ideaguy about req (I’m sorta new)

Recently found out that CIC buying funding from req is 6-7k. Which is surprisingly low, I heard it was 10-12k? Regardless what i MAINLY suggest is:

1.make more money/moneybag appear in groundside. I feel like this helps req in a way but also fucks req if any degen marine decides to keep the cash for themselves lol. Assuming cash and moneybags can give req more funding

Second, which is unknown if it’s good for the game,

2.Intel for req. similar to researcher credit paper, or at least if Intel finds an item it says (this is probably sellable to req) I don’t know I feel about this since CIC can give funds to req (even though it’s chump change)




I appreciate your ideas but this is not a solid idea. I do thank you for being more thought out then some more recent posts in Ideaguys.


Other than the second idea which is extremely rough idea. Can you tell me the problem? The way I see it is.

Xenos will melt the cash/moneybag

People will use dead people accounts to withdraw money and give to req. figure to resolve it is to make it into money bags… OR NFT lol

Perhaps what you mean is the fact if req gets more funding it will increase marine win rate drastically?

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Besides the obvious balance issues, this would lead to either LRP CLs faxing “pls send cash and heap will help alot thx” or equally LRP XOs announcing “Everyone empty their bank account and give the content to req, MPs raid the CL office and confiscate everything of value”

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Beside the fact that none of the robusto understand how req works, or specifically how funding works, the only good thing coming out of more req money would be like what? More spec ammo, more materials for defense, more mortar shells or more nades.

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A competent requisitions team should have no problem balancing their budget outside of exceptional circumstances, or 1.5 hour+ rounds. The only significant expenses are materials, specialist & SG ammo, AP, and a sprinkling of mortar shells (if mortar exists), almost everything else is either niche or can be sourced for free.

req budget is balanced right now, no need to give more.


Better articulated then I could. Thank you all.