Any opinions on this one? I find it extremely frustrating that random explosions like grenades, C4 and even welder tanks (yes this one happens to me quite frequently) can instantly destroy your gun and force you shipside if you want any attachments. While I understand the soul behind OBs and SADAR rockets destroying dropped guns, is it really worth the tradeoff of this irritating mechanic which disarms you? I can’t stand it!
Honestly guns being destroyed is part of the attrition mechanic, but them being exploded is pretty annoying, yeah. Generally I consider it to be part of the trade-off when you choose between taking a mag harness or not, though.
Annoying, but so is getting gibbed by SADAR and OB…
(annoying = soul)
Always, always get req to drop spare guns…
Req should be dropping spare guns and attachments later into the round if you have to go shipside then req are actively causing attrition for the marine front
Magharness is mandatory if you want to not lose a weapon
Also yeah it’s a core attrition mechanic, be it from xenos melting your gun or an OB misdialed wiping every item out of the FOB
It’s by intent that items are destroyed by explosions
It can also destroy guns in your hand even with a mag harn :).
Generally if I see I’m about to get hit by any kind of explosive (OB, mortar, CAS etc) I just holster my weapon and run from the explosion best I can, works every time, so long as I notice the explosion about to happen.
But yeah explosives destroying weapons is really annoying, especially when combined with how fast (and determined) xenos are to melt your gun. Practically forces a mag harn on a mark 1/HPR since these are almost irreplaceable, which still doesn’t make it explosion proof when you have it equipped.
I do honestly wish it was removed, soul or not.
Bro, literally it doesn’t matter. With magharness your gun still drops and lies on the floor for a split second, enough to be destroyed.
The best solution would be to setup a treshold where explosion doesn’t have enough power do it, that being normal nade, weldertank explosion and C4 explosion. This is not part of the attrition mechanic, it is just friendly fire being extra annoying.
At the very least make so gun that get destroyed via explosion leaves behind a trash item of a broken gun so that I know it was destroyed by the blast, instead of stolen, or thrown into xeno teritory.
I’ve encountered this problem a lot myself, and while yes you can run away from Mortar rounds, sudden Nades, and CAS occasionally, it’s still annoying as all hell especially on REQ Restricted weapons which are gone in a flash and sometimes irreplicable. If anything, I could see a system being implemented like the Fracture-Amputation one we have for limbs, where you can’t lose body parts without the bone being broken first; and translate it into every gun having a “damaged” state by explosions, and the next one breaking them entirely.
If you cant take care of your stuff, dont complain if it gets blown up.
Shrimpel ass.
Still worth taking MH, wdym it literally doesn’t matter?
Your odds of losing your gun are dramatically reduced with MH simply because there are far less opportunities for the gun to be damaged. Its still absolutely worth putting on MH, its not a useless attachment
Man, it is in the context of guns being destroyed by explosions it doesn’t matter. You stated that magharness is our god and saviour from that, but it is not.
You took it like I am talking about MH as a whole, which is simply incorrect.
Thanks for an utterly useless post in a genuine ideaguys discussion thread. What does ‘take care of your stuff’ mean? How am I supposed to avoid getting blown up by another player every now and then?
The gear you have on your body is a bit harder to destroy. If you do get hit by a direct hit explosion though thats strong enough to destroy it, you have bigger problems.
But generally it gets crumbelt to ash if you keep it lying on the floor.
If you dont want your stuff to be blown up, dont let sit all around.
For example, dont lay stuf you want to keep, next to welder tanks.
Its hard for welder tanks to blow up your stuff, if your stuff isnt near it.
If your gear gets destroyd after falling of, maybe put a mag harn on it.
You have all the tools you need to make sure your things dont get blown up.
Depends on you if you actually do it.
Thats why, take care of your things. Because if you do, its hard for you to lose it.
Magharns are already a form of devs handholding you so you dont lose your shit. You cant really go harder then that without it being silly.
I’ve lost my gun before even with a magnetic harness on. I think this is from a combination of if your gun is dropped at near the same time a explosion goes off near you. Its quite uncommon, but its doable.
I’d argue for a mechanic wherein if a gun is destroyed, you still have the ability to recover it, even if said recovery is only to scrape off the useful attachments. But, that is a lot of effort for something so minor overall. Outside of some hyper-rare gun, its not usually a huge issue to get a new one so long as Cargo is on the job.
It is clearly wrong as stated multiple times and even by an admin here above and you guys keep pushing it. Gun with magharness can be destroyed by explosion if you hold it in your hands during the explosion. If you notice how magharness works, if you drop the gun, or get stunned with it in your hands, then the gun actually appears on the ground for a split second (a tick?) and then moves to your armor slot. That is enough for the same explosion that stunned you, to also break your gun.
If it is one explosion, having MH, or not makes 0 difference.
There is literally nothing you can do except holstering the gun beforehand, or just avoiding the explosion completly which makes the magharness in this situation meaningless.
Magnetic Harness doesn’t solve this problem. Again, I will state this again: Magnetic harness doesn’t solve the problem.
But it is very nieche. It dosn’t happen if there is currently one explosion (albeit can happen if you are eithe dropping it or something similar while its happening), and you would need it to either be two explosions back to back, or a stun into an immidiete explosion. Both of which are rare as is, and shouldn’t be taken too heavily just because they exist.
So sure, the magharn dosn’t solve that uber specific scenario, i guess. (I personally have never experienced losing my gun with a mag harn if it matters (400 hours groundside marine)).
You’ve entirely misunderstood what I’m saying - you can lose your stuff while you’re holding it. Even if you take genuinely 0 damage yourself, your gun can be mysteriously vaporized from your hands. Even with a mag harness!
Hm, maybe. As long as its just a “failsafe”, Breaking the gun instead of dusting it.
Thougth myself about that stuff already, more so giving guns durablity. But that likly just be annoying then anything else. A failsafe type deal would most likly be the best solution.
The context of guns being destroyed by explosions is very broad. OP posted about explosions nuking guns in general, and I replied to THAT context. In general, MH is useful and will reduce the chances of your gun disintegrating by a significant %.
You claim that I said MH was our lord and saviour and could do no wrong- That’s untrue. I never said MH was infallible, I just rebuked your statement that ‘MH doesn’t matter in this instance where it fails’ because it doesn’t counter the point I was making.
The niche situation of guns sometimes exploding when you get nuked while holding the MH’d gun is a valid outlier that honestly should be fixed, but hyperfocusing on it doesn’t negate the fact that an MH’d gun is overall far, far more survivable on the battlefield, and that’s the point I was trying to make to OP.
Not really.
Being blasted by more than one explosion at a time is very rare. It basically never happens outside cluster OBs.
The main problem is that guns can be destroyed by one explosion, that is fairly common. I don’t know code spaghetti why it happens, but it does, mag harness doesn’t help basically at all.
There is also a point about attachements and that they shouldn’t be necessary, because mind you, mag harness is a restricted item and you seem to talk like it is as common as rail light. I don’t believe you can arm even half of the marines during average round with mag harness without req buying them. I’m not sure, but it isn’t even available in PFC vendor for points, correct me if I’m wrong.
It is probably the same problem as it was in the past with Barrel Charger, where all of the guns were balanced around having BC, while marines could get like 10, or 15 at best without Req buying more.
It really depends on the server pop, given attachments don’t scale well. On lowpop you’re basically guaranteed to get one if you actually want it from either squad prep or requisitions, but on highpop you have to race due to MH’s popularity. BC was a lot rarer I believe.
In terms of context, I don’t mean the number of explosions you get hit by. I mean the situations in which the explosions destroy your gun.
For example, if you die without MH, you drop your gun on the floor. It’s then at a significant risk of being nuked by HEDP, mortar or CAS.
An MH helps a lot here, whereas in the situation you describe, you lose your gun because you’re actively holding it while you get blown up, in which case an MH is dramatically less useful.
So depending on the situational context, an MH’s effectiveness vs explosions does indeed vary.
All I’m gonna say is: fully load your gun, throw it into a camp fire or blowing sticks of dynamite next to it, if it still works then guns shouldn’t be destroyed by fire or blast in game.