Yo, what’s up? This time with a simple one.
We need daps, STAT.
High fives are alright. They’re OKAY, not the best, not the worst. But what we need is the heavenly dap.
That’s right, the holy Dapple of the lord must make it in.
It shouldn’t be that hard, it’s just 1/100 chance to have a meaty Dap.
1/1000 and it has to have a sound with a huge range so it scares everyone on the ship. Or just a really heavy duty highfive that flips a coin on breaking one of the persons hands
heavenly dap causes a screech effect with shockwaves that knocks down and stunlocks all marines, xenos and predators within one screen of the dap for 30 seconds, with the original 2 dapping marines instantly gibbing
Make it have a sound effect (single vibration) similar to queen screech or the prae. To signify its rarity, ambiance and amazingness
Edit: i already see something similar has been suggested already but mine was intended without any effect that would affect the round or surrounding in any way, shape or form
1/100 dap is good : both get a emote message saying, “you feel each others strength”
1/1000 dap is great and everyone in a 25 square range can hear it.
1/10,000 is echos through the whole ship
1/1,000,000 the whole server hears it with an announcement following it. “You hear the universe align for just a moment”