Hermotimos - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - Hermotimos

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Herm “Hermit” Timos

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.

Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

I would treat them as dishonorable targets until the engagement is over in accordance to the honor code.

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

Hunting my prey is really disrespectful, I would personally find the Yautja and challenge him to an honor duel.


Best lurker bait IO player, +1


+1, Cool guy. I like the story.

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I’ve seen and interacted with Herm “Hermit” Timos plenty of times and they always had good roleplay. I especially enjoy when they play SEA, got a good vibe for how to roleplay a “drill sergeant” like character. Hermotimos has also been a server staff moderator for over a year and clearly understands both IC and OOC rules. +1

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I might Hate predators with all my fiber, but Maybe hermit can be one of the good ones.

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Lot of attempts were made. Lots of them binned due to no community vouch. As irregular as seeing you has been, you seem like a good fit for the whitelist. Do not disappoint, ok? +1


Apologies for the delay!

While your story is unique and a great concept to expand further, the lack of exploration in both your story and your answers to the application questions do not give the council much faith in how you will act with the whitelist.

The council and many WL members have yet to interact with your character, or it hasn’t been memorable to give a good impression of you as a player.

As such, a majority of the council have voted to deny this application.