hislittlecuzin - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - hislittlecuzin

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Atticus Rezzer. Xeno is now RE-xxx-Z, but usually the Lesser Drone that “is really strong” and weeds the entire battlefield.

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?


Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Benny Loves Space ships. Anytime you talk about anything, he will find a way to turn
the subject to space ships.
Talking about submarines? They’re like space ships but for under the water.
Talking about sandwiches? You can only eat those on space ships with artificial gravity
or else the crumbs will get all over the space ship.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Benny is ECSTATIC about working with the USCM. Benny gets to FLY ON THE SPACESHIP with the

When interacting with Superior Officers, Benny will enthusiastically follow any directives
because Benny knows the Officers know what’s best for the space ship, and wants to help
the space ship.

When interacting with with the enlisted members of the Enlisted Colonial Marines, Benny is
happy to work with them because they are the crew of the big space ship. The common marines
fly on a smaller space ship to get to the planet and the big space ship.

No matter what the conversation or orders are, it’ll be brought back to how it deals with
the space ships.
“Benny, we need you to fix the comms tower.”
“So we can talk to the space ship Almeyer from the planet? YES!!”

“Thanks for removing the alien embryo.”
“You’re welcome! If you died, you wouldn’t get to go back on the space ship, and we
couldn’t have that happen.”

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I have a ton of hours in com tech and medic. I like those roles since I know they’re the
foundation of the fighting force. Sometimes I want to be support, but not be leadership nor
com tech/medic so this will allow me to just fill as the match goes on instead of
guessing what the team needs before deploying. I can’t tell you how many times medics get
capped in 10 minutes of dropping because no one made cades for medics so revives are very
limited and there’s nowhere to fallback besides FOB.
I’d appreciate the ability to help save people’s rounds, as some people just get screwed
early, and neglected by medics when I’m a com tech.

I also want to improve my roleplay ability since I usually just roleplay by wanting to
complete the objective as a marine following orders, or executing a mission as an officer.
I’ve been working on roleplay ability, but I think the Synthetic whitelist will help me
work on my roleplay abilities especially since I can’t be the fighting guy.

I also play lowpop (80~ players) and know that without someone to do all the foundational
work, the rounds are often very 1 sided. So if I got synth, I’d be able to do the tedious work
like comms, cades, and revives where such duties may be lacking in fullfillment.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

Naturally there’s the working Joes who are amazing. Next there’s the times I met Dean and
was like “what kinda pizza do you like?” and we talked about pizza for a full 2 minutes
until the alamo dropped.

One time I spawned as CLF during Hijack, and we were working on having the reactor blow up
and Elizabeth just put her hand through my skull and everyone was dead except this one poor
rfn covering the north maintenence flank that was just left alone and didn’t know where
anyone was.

There was a synth or two I made friends with a super long time ago, but I don’t remember
who they were nor what we did.

Synthetic Character Story:



I was a very aggressive com tech. If you see cades all over the map, it’s probably me making them as fallback barricades and medic cades. I deploy with a lot of metal, and on most maps, I basically don’t drop below 100 metal. I can fix comms and power by myself. I usually build barricades and patch breaches. I believe I brought the style of metal foam back because people realized that if you use the full 3~5 seconds of the foam, you can do just enough work to get what you need done.


Some tell me I am one of the best Staff Officers. Unsure if this is true, but I make liberal use of objectives, squad messages, and squad leader messages. I often find I am able to keep squads 90% together for most of the operation if I am assigned to a single squad. When commanding 2 squads, I’d say I can keep about 60~70% of squads together. I often can anticipate the next moves of squads, and send out squad messages or objectives just before they can act, as to comply with the XO/CO’s plans. (notably, “Comms is fixed, let’s all leave right now before there are barricades to protect the 2 guards.”) As XO, I have limited hours (about 15… 21 now) but unless an operation goes horribly wrong, (really good flanks, no barricades, conflicting/mass disregard of orders) I believe I can hold out pretty well. At least 1.5 hours. I make my orders simple for squads to understand, and often update tacmaps, (ALWAYS with drawings) and send announcements. I hate it when I am without any orders/info on the plan who feel like he’s in the dark, so I do everything I can to make sure everyone has some kind of direction for what is going on.


Reid was the other medic in my squad my first time medicing, so I got a really good foundation. I may not get the most revives most rounds, but I run up to people and pad them before they can die. If someone is really hard to recover, I always carry HEDP to recover. Plus I CPR as RFN and remove armor as RFN. I think I’m a pretty fast medic. I have a medic guide and picked up advanced surgery pretty well with doctor. Corpsman Guide


I know where about 90% of things are. 23 hours in REQ. I think I can keep the team suppplied easily. Usually end up doing all the most burdening req things alone. Req is a 1-2 person job depending on if someone needs to get metal/meds

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

Aside from gardening, and removing the weeds…

Combat can only be performed in the interest of preserving the most vital, or strategically
important objectives.

Such objectives include but are not limited to:
ARES core - Loss of high value intelligence system is unacceptable. Lethal Force Authorized.

Almeyer Reactor Core - Loss of such a cruiser due to self-destruction is a major loss to
the Colonial Marines, and United Americas. Lethal Force Authorized.

Mutiny against a commanding officer - A violent assassination attempt against a high value
strategic individual is a massive loss in insight, as well as jepordizes the subordinate
crew. Such terrorism is likely an infiltration of CLF agents if not brainwashing. Capture
is necessary to gather intel. Non-Lethal Force only.

Without extreme strategic value at stake jepordizing the security of the United Americas,
lethal force is grounds for decomission at worst-reformatting at best.
Striking humans is used for high value strategic protection, but must be verifiably, and
undeniably necessary.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?

No bans in the last month. No active job bans.

Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.

Curious little cat.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

I contribute a little bit to the codebase in what I call “reduced friction” PRs.

For example, I added the dropship launch alarm as my first PR, and helped someone else add
it to the lifeboats. It’s only frustrating for the ships to just leave without warning, so
I added that.
I also added a couple PRs for allowing surgery in places where it’s overlooked to deny
surgery. For example, the parked dropships for map aesthetic will never fly, so just
taking cover in one to do a quick IB as medic shouldn’t deny your ability to do so. So I
fixed that kind of stuff too.

I also brainstorm and work on PRs for com techs, like I increased the plasteel count to 40
because it’s unlikely someone’s going to use the 6 left over from when it was at 30.
Someone just made an awesome PR improving a bunch of little stuff-I assume it’s because of
my ideasguy com tech thread to get more people to play com tech as a few things in the PR
were mentioned in the thread.

I also take the phone backpack as FTL, SL, and Medic. So I’m always communicating, and
calling people. I think some people know that if I’m deployed as one of these classes,
I’ll answer the phone and call them back.

I also saw that discord is not required for Synthetic whitelists, but is specifically listed as required for all other whitelists and “staff-likes” such as mentor and moderator.

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Synth story backup link:


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Hi, your story is private and can’t be read by anyone.

How’s this?

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You’ve called Almayer “Almeyer”, dude. Plz fix it before the council eats you alive


Are you not currently still banned from the discord, according to that appeal? I was under the impression that discord bans meant you couldn’t apply for a whitelist.

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From what I could read, the Synthetic whitelist does not mention Discord bans, nor Discord requirements in any of the rules, nor application.

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Hi hislittlecuzin, thanks for your interest in the synthetic whitelist. Unfortunately, at this time we’ll have to deny your application outright on the grounds of your discord ban. To hold a whitelist, you can’t be banned from the CM discord. However, the council would also like to take this opportunity to comment on some aspects of your synth to improve your next application.

Firstly, your synthetic’s personality. It’s pretty obvious to us that your synthetic is just Benny from the lego movie. While we encourage taking inspiration from a piece of media, directly transplanting a character from a piece of media straight into CM isn’t what we mean. As a synth personality on it’s own, Benny comes off more as annoying and childish than anything else, both traits extremely unsuited for work in a military capacity. The premise of a synth built entirely to talk about spaceships is also questionable. Synthetics in CM should be able to fit well into the Aliens universe, and I don’t think Benny does.

All in all, you’ll need to do a large rework of your personality and quirk to make it appropriate for the CM setting, and a HRP character which all synths are meant to be.

Your experience answers are acceptable.

Your combat answers are generally incorrect. Combat is not restricted to only the most vital or strategic of objectives. Combat can be performed in a multitude of scenarios, and the examples you provided aren’t good. A synthetic shouldn’t be actively defending a location when not on delta alert, and self preservation always comes above dying to hold an objective. Generally, choosing to corner yourself with no escape is not a good idea as a synthetic, save for extreme examples. Synthetics are also not required to be bodyguards of the commanding officer during a mutiny. This is actually explicitly stated in the synthetic guidelines, along with more specifics on how a synthetic should behave during a mutiny.

Lastly on the topic of combat, none of your answers included any specific examples with xenos, marines, or non-marine humans, which sucks to see. All of your answers are generally vague and use only lethal or nonlethal force, forgoing the specifics of interactions within those labels. In the future, we’d like to see specific examples and scenarios, which give us a better grasp of your understanding of the combat restrictions for synthetics, including scenarios based around delta alert and the frontline.

In conclusion, you’ll need a large rework of your synth personality and quirk to work within CM, along with a rewritten section on combat for synthetics. This application is denied at the moment, you can reapply on 16/10/2024 (16th of October, 2024). We hope to see you back soon.


Added synth:denied and removed synth:waiting