How can you make the game immersive?

After having played this game for an unhealthy amount of hours I find that most of the fun and satisfaction of it simply comes through achieving a minor objective, for example securing a kill. Sometimes I get to be a part of something a bit bigger, for example lets say a feat achieved with a combination of skill and luck, like a good SADAR shot or a defining screech. In these moments you get to sit back for a second and realise what you have achieved. A second to admire it. However I feel that we can get more out of the game, and of course I want to get more out of the game. So how does one do that?

I guess I can grasp a general direction to follow in order to achieve that. Of course such thing would be possible only through admin intervention aka events. The standard game mode alone simply won’t cut it, since it is simply too small, it leaves no space for anything else besides the familiar marines vs xenos braul we all know. Even in a lot of the events I have participated in there’s still a pattern matching that of the HvX. That being two sides fighting for total superiority as their primary and only objective. It feels like having two animals in a cage that are forced to mindlessly tear at each other until one is no more. There’s nothing more to it than that. There’s nothing beyond that at stake. But what if there was? What if this event wasn’t as stale as to only kill each other?

Stakes. Stakes and consequences. For such things to exist a well established base needs to exist. A story with a past, so that the actions of the now will matter in the future. So that the now becomes important. You can’t simply grab a man, tell them that this and that is happening, and expect they will give it their all on a whim lets say. You need to cultivate an expectation, something for the player to look forward to. If that something is threatened the stakes are heightened. Failure has more consequences. In response, the player will rush forth, more selfless than before and with some luck, that act will bear fruit. That success will be meaningful. Not just to him, but to everyone around him. It would make everyone who was a part of it share that success. That meaningfulness is what makes you memories out of this game. It is what makes you memories in every game. It is fun. And what more do you need when you have to sides determined to selflessly put themselves forth to achieve a cause they believe in. This brings us to the next issue. How do you get a side to relate to a cause? What does that cause need to be in the framework of this game so that the players can relate to it?

The cause. It cannot be something small or average. It needs to be an exception. An extreme. Something that would require one to give it their all. Let’s be real, however. The current framework of megacorporations that sink entire planets into misery, requiring the corp to come butcher any resistance doesn’t make for a good and relatable cause. The clashing of the corp with other forces of similar utility like the UPP isn’t very relatable either. You could relate to it via RP as many continue to remind you, most commonly by the phrases “commies”, “capitalist dogs” and “corpos” but in that case you essentially depend on the player’s willingness to RP in order to make their own fun. And as you probably noticed, not everyone is willing to do that. And that is not what I am going for either. The point is to create an environment that doesn’t rely on the player alone to make fun. So what could the cause be? Maybe it is preventing a disaster that will affect humanity itself. That’s the most common, involving and relatable cause there is I think. It’s the one I see the most in every franchise that has made a name of itself. In this case it is probably the most suitable considering where the player stands in the game. There’s a lot of room for specifics on what, where, how and why, multiple parties, existing or new ones that can partake or even be the threat itself. So what remains is for these to be set, which also tends to be my favourite part of a good story.


Ya know the videos of the guy having a realistic tank setup and playing warthunder? Do that for CM and you got realism and immersion


remove actual deployment outside admin events, cm reworked to be about bored marines fucking around at the almayer


I think a really important part of getting immersed (at least in RP) is an immersive setting and environment. Then, focusing on plots, developing characters, plot, narrative, plot, character interactions, and plots.

I do think though people find great enjoyment in RP here. Putting in a genuine flavortext and making a character with personality is a great first step for anyone really - that energy investment werks in getting consistent characters (which are important for immersion and knowing what to say to keep in character).

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I think the thing that made old cm have more RP and Immersion was the fact that it was slower. Thanks to many updates to the code and servers CM has become faster and faster.
This is pretty evident when you look at the PR that reduced the fire rate of the M41a M39 and possibly more weapons, as their time to kill became faster and faster.

Slower movement across the board (xenos and humans alike), slower firing speed and more could potentially inch the game back to a slower and more thoughtful playing experience. though it would need to be tested thoroughly of course.

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Think about the majority of the people who play the game for the combat - what armor do they wear? Light armor.
What do xenos usually target? Legs
What’s the (second) best stim quality? MST - speed
What’s the most used attachment? Angled grip - increases wielded speed.

The speed of movement is inextricably linked to the balance of the game, and any minor adjustments to the movement speed will be extremely poorly received and require a potential massive amount of overhauling of slowdowns, stuns, armors, etc.

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I think game overhauls for RP are a meme.
I do like the idea of more thoughtful gameplay, but that comes with experience too. Don’t need to overhaul the game completely to do that.
This server has lasted a long time because of its intricate, fast-paced, and unique combat.

There will always be better alternatives for immersion and rp - that much is obvious. But we don’t need to fundamentally overhaul the gameplay and change its character completely - maybe in a different server that’d work but I think it’d be just the worst possible option here, and would sacrifice everything that makes this server generally work well in its design.


there is actually already an option for that for admins can turn on :slight_smile:

Make CM a vr game, trust me

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Wow I totally didn’t know that what if they actually used it permanantly :smiley:

I wasn’t talking about an overhaul. but a tweaking. Like I’ve said in the post you referenced,

Thanks to many updates to the code and servers CM’s pace has become faster and faster.

Nobody ‘approved’ of the game speed increasing. It’s side effect of code improvements. And it’s worth thinking and talking about whether or not this was a good or a bad thing.

I reiterate

I’m talking about reducing game pacing back to what it was BACK to the fundamentals. not away from it.

Extend the time it takes to perma but make it so the longer you’ve been dead the more brain damage you get, like so severe that after about ten minutes of being dead on kutjevo you literally can not move ever again if you’re revived.

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marines are already braindamaged you can reduce the timer


Permadeath and 1 guaranteed larva spawn when you perma.

Or maybe a guaranteed lesser drone spawn.

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sorry you cant say that IC youre getting permabananed for failrp

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