Ever die to something that you think you shouldn’t have died to?
Do you ever think Marines are just a little too strong for your liking?
Ever think that the OB should be Techweb locked to level 3?
Here’s the format for that.
"Hello people of CM13! I am (insert ckey/username/known character you play) and I’ve had a problem for a while.
I think (put whatever killed you) is too strong for the game, and needs to be changed for balance purposes.
The ways we could balance the game and help make it more fun for everyone are:
Lowering (the thing that killed you)'s damage
Making weapons against (the thing that killed you) stronger.
Lowering health or armor on (the thing that killed you) (Make sure to remove the armor part if it’s something without armor!)"
Now, you can feel free to adapt this & give more suggestions, but for now, get out there and make the game worse for everyone!