How to improve Soro Survivors.

Currently the map’s lore is very stupid and confusing, to put it bluntly the lore is the equivalent of British Aerospace Working with the Soviet Union on Illegal weapons, it’s incredibly stupid.

Therefore i propose we take it back to it’s actual roots, before W-Y and UPP were forced into Soro.

Survivors: Instead of the current iteration of the Communist UPP working with W-Y, for Security and Engineering we replace them with the Latin American Colonial Navy, as Soro, Before all the stupid decisons were made to expand UPP and W-Y’s role, was originally a Peruvian UA-UPP DMZ, so we make it an actual UA DMZ, with LACN troops on base.

As for the UPP, they are instead a nightmare insert (the same one used on trijent) this way the UPP are still playable while still making sense, as the UPP would send Recon units to see why the base went dark (and hopefully seize it).

If someone sprites the LACN i will code them.


You could always say the UPP where working at an embassy of some kind or where just stopping to get gas. I do like the idea of the LACN. There are unsued CLF spirts I imagine you could use. I feel its a bit of a shame someone made spirts for the UPP high command unifroms but you never see them used.

It liekly not too hard to just scrap off the communist symbols from the spirts.

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