how to use metal foam

ok so as a wall on command, metal foam is good at like two things:
- deterrence

deterrence is to delay or prevent a push by foaming where the xenos are going BEFORE they start pushing it, forcing them to either dig through the foam to get to you or retreat under threat of being blocked

pros: stops a push, buys you time (to get more marines, defenses, whatever)

cons: you won’t kill anything unless the xenos are literally braindead

- actually killing stuff

foam behind the xenos as they push in, xenos get stuck between marines and foam, they can’t slash both of them at once so they’re doomed to die, you get the warm fuzzies because you turned a non-overextending xeno into a very overextended xeno.

pros: you frag, your team loves you

cons: it requires precise timing to pull off, or else the foam will instead block pursuing marines and cover the xenos’ escape, your team will hate you

- bonus
fire a maxcap metal foam mortar and any incendiary mortar in quick succession for a funny silly effect

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