Discord Ban Appeal - hrafn. (InsaneRed at the time of ban)
What is your Discord ID?
What is your BYOND key?
Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
I’d like to keep this as short as possible as i don’t really have any excuses. Half a year ago i said a few words that i did not know the meaning of which turned out to be a slur.
Ignorance is not an excuse and does not stop me from taking responsibility, Im sorry for doing what i did and i apologise to everyone who i might have offended with the words i’ve used. Theres no easier nor better way to put it other then i fucked up and i shouldve probably not said a word i dont know the meaning of. I will be more careful in the future.
I apologise again and i wish to be let back into the discord to continue interacting with the community and my friends.