This is honestly quite funny. Seeing you of all people recomend such a feature, when only recently you where heavily against another hud element that was also for QoL.
Ehem, allow me to paraphrase some quotes, by yourself.
- “You get it told in chat, maybe read?”
- “Marines don’t need an easier gameplay/interaction, they need to use their brains to win.”
- “i dont think we should buff them because they are noobs”
-Flatulent 05.09.2024
Topic of moving ammo count from runechat, to HUD.
That aside, a straigth up arrow would be by far too much.
An important balance factor for mortars/cas and OB, that you have to do some own work to know where it will land.
The current way this is done, is mostly fine.
The main problem is just how said information is presented.
Rune chat is horrible to read, and honestly should be only used for comms.
People use tools to make it easier to read, for a reason.
Having to force people to get enviormental information out of it, is silly if we have a hud, and a visual depiction of the world around us.
CM is not a text based game after all.
So yes, moving it to the HUD would be a good idea. But arrows would be too much.
You still want it to have a skill check.
Rewarding players that think quickly, and punishing players that do not.
The time between first warning and impact is generall enough for most players to move away in time.
The best way i belive this could work as a Hud element would not be an arrow, but simply a compass. Or well, The Letters of the directions of the hemisphere. N,S,E,W and of course SW, NE and such.
- It would give the hud some more themed flair
- It would make it far easier to tell the diffrence at a glance between Mortar marker and SL marker
- It would retain the skillcheck of needing to think what North south east and west are.
All that would do is prevent the hemisphere directions of the impact, to be burried in runechat.
Not giving anyone a buff. Simply presenting already given information, in more readable manner.