HvH Event Feedback/Ideas

Random thoughts/feedback as it stands.

UPP specs appear to be superior to the USCM (other than scouts). USCM is of course, focused on xenos. Stuff like sniper is pretty much useless. The UPP specialists all have equipment broadly useful for killing humans and potentially (unsure if tweaked) better armour.

Force parity really isn’t working out as the event is currently run. UPP get the defenders advantage and they outgear and outskill the USCM. If marines are going to be on the offense, they need the numbers or some concessions. It could be worth deploying both sides at the same time if they ever get more equal. Maybe it’s worth seeing if the USCM can survive as the defenders at the moment too if nothing else.

The Chance’s round certainly went a lot better than the one on Trijent, but for the marines I think the victor was never really in doubt. Morale was bad and the reinforcements were too late again.

Anyway, it’s still been interesting to play these rounds, thanks for hosting and working on this.

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Thank you for the feedback.

I do have plans to revise how USCM specs work in HvH. My preliminary plan is to make them all spawn as one kit, with B18 armour and some kind of USCM rifle (HPR or Mk1 with AP). The B18 would basically be as strong as the UPP Spec’s armour, which would let them wade into heavy gun-fire and survive.

I do my best to maintain a decent force parity. I try to ensure the UPP are operating with 5 to 10 less combat roles compared to the USCM forces pre-deployment, meaning I generally open fewer UPP roles when the game starts, then increase them as players join the USCM to ensure a fair fight.

I believe right now the issue is more the UPP guns are far more powerful than the USCM, plus I’ve found the UPP seem to be playing smarter. Once our PR to change guns is merged, I hope this will bring the faction balance more closer to the middle, at least in terms of how OP the UPP guns are and how UP the USCM ones are.

Chances I do feel was a good HvH map.


First of all. Req has type 19 mag boxes which if I recall Rostock don’t facilitate any and I find it seemingly useless in regards of collecting dust. Next is that the uhhh…req vendors just kinda generates binocs, seemingly infinite.


I think the self-uncuffing mechanic kinda gets really annoying and frustrating when trying to take prisoners. You have to constantly watch every POW and periodically shove or unbuckle them, which quickly turns into chaos when you’re handling multiple.

I believe this could be solved by nerfing the mechanic itself, but another, more interesting solution could be giving each faction’s dropship a small prisoner-holding room where POWs may be safely left inside.


Personally, I’d keep USCM specialists in.
Maybe disable AMR for HvH and give the sniper rifle a x2 scope magnification.
Making HvH purely symmetric would suck and be boring. If you need help with coming up with UPP specialist weapons, I am more than happy to help.


I just want UPP Tacmap

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I have found one small issue. I was an FOB doctor for the UPP in this most recent round #24915.
I have found is that marines are suicidal and run into turrets. Fair but the issue is, Is that if the marine was cuffed when they died. I can’t set them on a bed because they’re cuffed.

Which is an issue since you can’t suture a marine who is lying on the ground normally from what I found. Nor do surgery. Basically you can’t do anything advanced if that marine is cuffed and on the ground… Nor can you remove said cuffs without ahelping (I had to ahelp twice and for the second time had to defib spam and CPR in order to ensure that he’d live)
That’s my primary issue I found while as an FOB doc…


I have a PR up to add proper Requisition Vendors for the UPP, plus a Squad Vendor similar to what is in Squad Prep rooms. This should help a lot when its merged: UPP Vendor Addition | Surplus, Attachment, Weapons and Ammo by Steelpoint · Pull Request #7557 · cmss13-devs/cmss13 · GitHub

Maybe something to investigate in the future. Its a bit of a issue since we don’t want people being able to drag dead bodies, more a code issue.

Specs likely won’t go anywhere anytime soon since it’d need a good coder (not me) and a spriter (also not me) to address it, plus the balance issues.

I do too.

Fair enough, its a issue with the game mode. There’s no easy fix at this stage. Sadly.


I am talking from USMC perspective, since I have yet to play UPP in HvH

the damage falloff changes are absolute sweetness. this fixed 2 problems i had. First one being people who scout ahead with binos and then blindfire on exposed unaware opponents. This is extremely rat like behavior that rewarded people being slimey. Todays round I didnt have problems with getting shot across the screen, intentionaly or not. You still take low damage but not enough to kill you but enough to force you to take cover.

Second, now retreating under fire is easier, you get more tactical choices with this change. you can retreat when you see enemy and likely you wont die (unless you are already almost in crit) from him shooting blindly in your general direction while youre exposed out of cover. this is cool since you can play it safe and avoid dying and going perma during retreat, which contributes to longer games instead of one side overrunning other under 1 hour. or you can stay in cover and fight from it, you take a risk that can pay off or you die horribly with low chances of someone rescuing your ass. i like this because now you can choose how to respond and engage the enemy, rewarding good decision making. before if you see enemy on your screen you better just fight to the death if you dont have people covering you since he will just shoot you outside your screen and you still took big damage.

I havent used AP that round but wearing EOD armor I felt more protected when I got shot by UPP AP ammunition - yes AP still did more damage than normal bullets, but it wasnt as bad as I remember, I could take 4-6 hits and still not die to crit. Weeks ago just 3-4 shots from UPP AP deleted my health. My first impressions are positive regarding changes to AP ammo and USMC armor values for gloves, boots and helmets.

This is the first and only round I played with new changes - I have only played USMC in past HvH, have not given UPP a chance so my opinion and impression might be biased. I still need to play more HvH on this new PR to get more grounded opinion. However I can say todays round was way more enjoyable for me and I like the changes. Thank you for you hard work making HvH better @Steelpoint


Well said. Thank you @Steelpoint for taking the time to work on this.


I’ve been maining UPP most in HvH, mostly because I like the aesthetic and got bored of playing as a marine quickly. I honestly was skeptical towards the broad UPP nerfs, and the AP ammo nerf, but it wasnt that bad.

Overall, I felt it actually worthwhile to change around between regular and AP ammo, with AP still being strong in semi-close quarter combat, but regular ammo doing fair bit of damage to slow down an enemy. Using binocs is still worth it 100%, but pre-firing has been nerfed into oblivion, so its only useful for the knowledge it provides and allows you to still fire first.

Urban combat in Hybrisa wasnt that cancerous, it is a pretty good map for HVH. New warnings for mortar really helped as well, so I felt like the mortar wasnt that impactful as first few events you ran, cause I was actually able to once dodge a shell in a cinema move by falling flat on the ground. Hopefully we get more maps like Hybrisa, Chances, but also try out LV-624 and maybe kutjevo\new varadero? We somehow got Solaris to work for HVH, after all.

One final good thing I want to point out is the symmetrical UPP and USCM deployments, with a 10 minute ceasefire between two sides. With all the debuffs to UPP and deployment change I think ratio should be made symmetrical as well, because UPP are at a huge disadvantage in prolonged combat if they suffer any significant loses. I honestly think UPP and USCM shouldve remained assymetrical in skills department at least to justify having less UPP, but now lower UPP numbers really hit nastily. Example is the last round, where we sieged USCM FOB and after they scored casualties on us - they managed to push UPP very very far, capturing 60% of the colony in like 4 minutes.

Besides all that, major complaints I have:

  1. Squad vendors for normal UPP with tools, attachments and etc. are needed, alike to USCM. I see that its being addressed already, very good!
  2. Add Shotgun shell rig and large shotgun shell pouch(not sure if the last one is actually there or not) to squad preparations vendors.
  3. Add an actual point shop for UPP to spend points in, alike to USCM. They get 45 points, but can only buy medhuds with them, rest of the items are bought by points you use for ammo and attachments. I suggest adding heavy and light armor in there, because both are honestly better than regular UPP armor slot-wise, but light armor is obviously light and heavy armor slows you down a bit.
  4. Add a squad choice for UPP, or just use the USCM squad choice for it.
  5. Make EZ-injectors standart-issue for UPP, and maybe USCM, specs. They really need it
  6. Make the tacmap work already, raaah!!!

glad you like the changes, was first round they were tested on


the thing is that, except for round start, the uscm and upp numbers were on pair


yes I will try to make the squad choices to work.making personal tacmaps to work is… a thing no idea how hard. they at least have working CIC tacmaps


Were they? Felt like there was not that many teammates around me, and the USCM hordes just kept walking into my line of fire :flushed:

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I believe when the ceasefire ended, most of the USCM were in 1 big group but the UPP were more spread out to start with.

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I’d also like to extend a big thanks to @cuberound for all their code efforts to further improve the HvH experience.

I’m a ‘ok’ mapper and a great ideasguy, but cuber had done a lot of the thankless code gruntwork such as the AP changes.


Well then. @cuberound. Thanks for the excellent work done.

Minor problems with Morana: no shipside console, no autopilot and the doors locked down automatically when entering Rostock. UPPs were having meltdown when someone launched it to hangar and left.

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Anything with IFF doesn’t really have a place in HvH, partly because you don’t group up enough to need to shoot over people, partly because anyone shooting each other solves the problem in 2 seconds thanks to not having raid boss level xeno hp, partly because the IFF player is dying in 2 seconds but killing in 6, and partly because range has been reduced to on-screen only so there’s no reason to try and provide supporting fire from the backline anyway.

The whole point of the smartgun also wasn’t that you couldn’t hit friendlies with it (that is just how CM implements it) it’s that it’s a highly portable light machinegun that’s incredibly accurate once it locks a target. It should really be more like a bipod HPR you can run around with “deployed” that automatically tracks onto a target you locked.

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