HydrQ1 - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - HydrQ1

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Jeff Barf for most marine roles, Molly Barf for medbay roles and corpsman, Jean Wack for shipside roles like MPs, SO, req or engineers. As xeno, my name is HYDO

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?

Clan Djar’ce

If minor: Give your clan lore.

Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

Depends on the state of the round. Have preds made attacks on marines beforehand ? Then I would see this as revenge attack or CIC orders, I would dissengage and hunt the group in RP manner fitting to my character backstory. However if I was only pred in round and I have not made yet any contact with marines I would see this as fighting for the sake of fighting, with no RP in mind. I would dissengage and avoid them, unless they continue to hunt me same way, then I’ll kill them to leave me alone

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

I am allowed by rules to challenge them to a honor duel, but if I do so depends heavily on context beforehand. If this was a clear mistake and player is apologetic, then I would just insult them in RP manner and move on, no point of ending someone round for such reason. However if 1. player has made multiple mistakes like this that round and/or broke honor code, 2.is not apolegetic at all and/or displays willingness to duel OCC/IC then I would go thru with duel to enchance the RP for both of us.


Here are my playtimes

I wish to thank 2 community member for helping me with my character story by providing vital feedback on it, without it I would leave mistakes that would most likely make it invalid for application.

Oh, hey, I was wondering if Jeff Barf and Molly Barf was the same person. Stupid name, lol.

Anyway, I see you around all the time in medbay & as SL. I think you’re a great (role)player, and although I think your story is a little lackluster, I’m giving you a +1

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+1 heavily experianced player but the story lacks overall great player as a medic

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+1 this guy has the jrp seal of approval
very solid marine and xeno player

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The council has voted on this application and decided to accept it.

The application was nice, although your community feedback was low. We believe you deserve a chance to play our beeloved whitelist, I hope you enjoy and if you fail me I will throw myself of a rooftop.
Your name is subject to change.
Welcome to the hunting camp.


Added pred:approved and removed pred:waiting