hyp3rpunk - Discord Ban Appeal

Discord Ban Appeal - hyp3rpunk

What is your Discord ID?


What is your BYOND key?


Total Ban Duration

I’m not exactly sure how long this is considering my user was hacked

Reason for Ban

Unfortunately my discord account got hacked in very late May and I got banned from a shit ton of servers due to the fact my account was… used to post a fucking pornbot link in nearly all of my servers which was genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever had happen to my discord account. I’m still not entirely sure what happened, I believe it was from me trying to pirate GTA 4. I just want to get back in to chill with the boys and look at clips people post again, I miss it ngl.


This isn’t the first time this has happened to me so in a preventative measure I wiped both of my drives completely and deleted anything I had, it’s been nearly a month since everything has been wiped and I haven’t had any issues. I don’t intend on trying to do anything sketchy like pirating shit now purely due to the fact that this has happened a ridiculous amount of times. I loathe that I have to make this request because this is insanely embarrassing.

Ban lifted, please be more careful in the future and all.

Resolved - Accepted

Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting