I just got tackled by a runner once and I was able to only stand up after crit

So yeah. All it took was one tackle. With me wearing EOD armour. And I died. Was only able to get up in crit but it was no use. Over 15 hits in one tackle.

try playing xeno if you dislike stuns


If you wear heavy armour it’s a skill issue.

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should’ve pre-med and carried a shotgun


now count the times you PB a runner after they tackelt you and compare it.

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I do not use shotguns

You tend to see a lot of funny things while playing SO and doing overwatch.

It’s actually a miracle and very rare for any round if a Spec, SG or IO isn’t solo captured.

Being alone and getting tackled a single time is enough to end your entire round, stay safe out there and bring a battle buddy because I don’t think it’s going to change more or less ever.

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Skill issue, as I said (also, try to get burst PBs with your M41 (if you are solely carrying a L42A or M39 and running around alone, that’s an even bigger skill issue), they deal quite some damage and as far as I know apply a short stun)

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That’s simply not how tackle mechanics work. A runner tackling you once does literally nothing, they need a minimum of 4 to stun you. And when they do manage to stun you it does not last long enough for 15 slashes. Armor has no effect on tackles either. Either you misunderstood what happened, or you were stunned by something else.


You are delusional, you cannot get down in one tackle.


Make a bug report or take your schizophrenia medication


Dude I feel you. I think the CM tackle system is a dumb mechanic. I’m the first one to say something questionable in d chat after being perfectly healthy and then being held down and devoured by a runner. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with an alternative for current system. This all brings me to the realization that for every time I’m malding for getting solo capped, the ultimate solution is to just git gud.


Its not to get gud, its to not go alone.
Solo caps happen because, your solo.
The biggest protection you can have against a runner is another person.
If you all alone in the backlines, and get capped, its your fault.
Its a TEAM game. If you dont play with the team, you lose.
Simple as.


not going alone // figuring out tactics to avoid solocap is also part of gitting gud



It’s a badly implemented gameplay mechanic with poor ideas of “counterplay”. The idea of tackling is good and imo critical for xenos and the setting’s aesthetics, but the way it works mechanically is stupid, unfun, and frustrating.

I don’t know the best way to solve or fix it, we’ve had some tentative steps at doing that, but unlike stuff that literally absolutely nobody wants which always get rammed through regardless, good changes to the game come few and far these days and are more often reverted more immediately than they have any right to.

Something I’d certainly give a shot to (though not in a vacuum because it’d necessitate a bunch of other changes) is doubling or tripling marine crit-hp so going down in a fight is how you get capped instead of being three-tap-RNG-tackled.

Majority of marine gameplay is a weird combination of excessive caution because any single absurdly minor mistake costs you the rest of the round of playtime, while also juggling the need to throw all caution out the window and be insanely suicidally aggressive to actually kill any xeno players.


I might be wrong but I think what might have happened here is he was spamming ctrl click trying to grab the body but ended up clicking the carrier sprite. If you try to grab a xeno it stuns you.
In fact listening closer to the sound effects I’m confident that is what happened. It does not sound like the successful tackle sound effect, it sounds like the attempted grab stun sound (overlayed with a regular tackle sound happening simultaneously)


The audio that you hear play just after the body of the dead marine is grabbed is the sound of a human attempting to grab a xeno, so yes I believe what happened is during the chaos the marine accidently tried to grab the Carrier and thus got stunned.


I am not saying I was one tapped. I am saying that once I was down I didn’t get up until I was crit

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