It was easier to determine whether or not marines could see you as xeno and had a good retro/arcade feeling to it.
gameplay taken from random person
It was easier to determine whether or not marines could see you as xeno and had a good retro/arcade feeling to it.
gameplay taken from random person
good excuse to show a clip of yourself fragging instead of a productive conversation smh smh
I honestly like the newer lighting better, although it’s harder to determine things, it’s amazing for immersion.
brother i just want to see
Nice of you trying the “it is a nerf to xenos”, but in reality drectional light is a huge marine nerf and everyone hates having few tiles of their vision obscured because they stepped back.
No, alt+directions is shitty, it slows you down.
Sorry, I don’t think I did my weekly quota of REEEing yet…
So, yeah. The current lighting system bad. I hate that as a pointman I have to carry around one billion flares. And the moment I’m gonna holster my weapon to grab the flare number 7589437, I’m gonna get warrior grabbed\lurker pounced\ravager charged and so on.
I’m all for marine gameplay being difficult, but being difficult and being needlessly annoying is not quite the same thing.
add an underbarrel flaregun problem solved
I really thought about this too. But, it’s not in the lore. Some of the AVP games had almost instant flares, so maybe the way to go is adding some kind of a “throw flare” special action which would work like quick reload, where you can throw them from a pouch with some delay while having your weapon wielded. Though I usually have to keep 'em in the damned radio backpack.
You can use the draw-from-pouch keybind to pull from flare pouches, then just use and throw.
ok what about an underbarrel mk2 for the flare gun in lore is that a thing
you forget that ripley basically duct taped a flamer to the gun in the movie so an ub flaregun should be a thing ok?
The new one looks way better, that’s enough in my eyes. If you’re having trouble seeing the xenos, maybe more people should be throwing flares? They’re basically free.
Agreed throw flairs. Lighting adds to the atmosphere of the setting.
You mean the star shell you can load in the underbarrel nade launcher?
new lightning fire is so much better looking but i still miss the old green fire in the new lightning(the lighter green)
i for one like the new lighting system my only issue with it is just how bad the back lighting is on armor now. but thats less a system issue and more a armor issue.
To be honest, I like how the new light system makes lighting more important and encourages teamwork.
I do think it’d be nice to have more lighting in the game, having emergency lighting, red lights spinning during hijack. Really catch that horror theme.
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