Iamlem - Permanent Ban Appeal

Iamlem - Permanent Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Lemus Lem

Type of Ban?

Permanent Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

Bee Station

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?


Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Ban Evasion

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

It was a bad lapse of judgement on my part and is something i have never done before or since, even on other servers.
I was very excited and eager to jump back into the game disregarding the rules.
If allowed back i swear to never do actions that are violations or try to circumvent the consequences.

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Hello Iamlem,

Steelpoint was the banning staff member.

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Hiya, I’ll be in charge of your appeal. I hope we can resolve this swiftly, with a verdict that both of us will accept. I hope you’re doing well.

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Understood, i’m doing fine. Thank you.

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Hi, whilst some have pointed out the lack of effort in your appeal; I genuinely do believe you had no ill intention whilst breaking the rules. I believe that with time and adjustment you won’t get in trouble again. I hope you enjoy playing our server again, since this appeal is ACCEPTED. I’m happy to have you back.

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