idea how to improve marine gameplay

Recently I thought that marines really have it too good. What uncounterable bullshit is there for them to deal with anymore? Turns out, not that many with the caveat, that you have to be good at the game.

Henceforth, I am proposing a revolutionary idea. Since Marines like when we add dumb shit to the game, we have at least two features that could be added to make Marine gameplay a bit more similar to Xeno gameplay.

  1. We will give Queen Burrower’s Burrow ability. This will hopefully deal with things like Hydro Hive or troll queens that just sit on ovi all day while the hive dies. We encourage more physical activity for our Queens. That’s always good. One good acquaitance of mine said that, and I quote verbatim, “queen charge is a noob trap”, and I am inclined to agree. Burrow seems way more thematically appropriate.
  2. Xenos may now instantly grab marines and take them into the tunnels if marines stand right next to them. This right here is extremely thematically appropriate. We have seen people get grabbed by xenos from the celling, or from under the surface they are standing on. Giving Marines something to be afraid of will improve rp.

just nerf cas and mortar into satanhell

reminder that the cas ui rework made it into a super powerhouse that doesnt really need jtac coordination like it used to

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okay how about giving queen a comically oversized extendoarm that grabs cas while it tries to cas her