idea - remove directional slash

hear me out, xenos are actually low skill to play, remove this and watch them crumble trying to click marines. This also forces xenos that respond at marine complains saying “just click the alien” to actually also click marines.

If anyone wants to give me a tip for this idea im open to suggestions


add directional slash to bayonet :brain:


no because marines are way harder to click than xenos


it’s almost as if this is acid goop


skill issue

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Xenos will just start to use plabclicker, just like marines already do.

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hard agree + remove misclicks “swiping” ground

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Big +1 if this is exchanged for some form of mouse holding to swipe or alternative forms of melee like how other servers do it.

Dir slash just means melee is reduced to “spam your mouse as fast as you can while strafing back and forth to maximize your damage” which looks dumb.

one alternate is having attacks function via cycles, so it matters where you’re aiming and your movement matters significantly more while making CM less of an arthritis spamclickathon

The issue comes with bigger sprite xenos, its harder to hit a marine on the tile next to you when your own sprite starts to cover them.

Can we get full auto melee any time soon? Where i can just hold my mouse over your sprite and it will always hit when i am in range.

cope thread?

idea thread

I think this is unfair for the Xenomorphs on CM-ss13.

Some possible solutions to fix this:

  • Remove guns. Add “directional slash” to marines. This way, the playing field is now equal, as it always should have been.
  • Remove guns. Remove “directional slash”. This way, the playing field is now equal, as it always should have been.
  • Remove guns. Keep “directional slash”. Xenos are actually weaker then marines. This will be a much needed buff to xenomorphs that keeps them in the fight for longer.

Conclusion? The problem this balance thread should ACTUALLY be talking about, is Guns. Why are Guns so overpowered? The game was not meant to be played at a range of further then 2 tiles. Clearly, guns should be removed! The reason they are overpowered, is that they kill xenomorphs. Why should a marine be able to kill xenomorphs with a gun?

There is no counterplay here, BECAUSE guns are overpowered. Another reason guns are overpowered, is because THERE IS NO COUNTERPLAY… wtf???

Please remove guns devs. Fix Cm-ss13 and save the Community!

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xeno agent detected