If this is for every discussion post - please revert the change!!

I don’t understand why DISCUSSION POSTS would make you wait an hour for every post you make… It’s a discussion! You should keep it alive! I get the 3 months closed after last reply. I’m not sure if this would be in policy feedback though, correct me if it should.

I think five minutes would be better than an entire hour, it isn’t the best decision or idea. Like I said, it’s the discussion topic category for a reason. I think the poster/the person who made the thread should have immunity to it, at the very least.

:true: brother :true:


I think the intent is to make it so people put all their thoughts into a concise singular post rather than trailing with single ones

I mean yeah I think like a 10 minute timer or similar is probably better


1 hour is absurd and not helpful i dont like this at all


There’s actually a forum for feedback on policy, it’s Policy Feedback. But if you made it there, you would’ve noticed:

  1. Ideaguys and policy feedback have had this forever.
  2. This is not Discord, you don’t need to reply that quickly. Posts are not dead if no one’s replied within 20 minutes, an hour or a day.

One hour is egregiously long for discussion threads. If ten minutes is not acceptable why not 30 minutes? A happy middle ground is good for every one.

P.S. Excellent. Thank you once again @hry . Appreciate you taking feed back into consideration.


fwiw, it was already changed to half an hour for discussion


Welp good job everyone. Personally I hate these changes but quite frankly don’t blame Harry for a second in implementing this. The pointless necro posts, derailing of topics, constant 2/3 word slop thread bumps in the last few weeks have been extremely annoying.


yeah, to be clear, i don’t like the arbitrary limitations either. i’m using them to try to correct the insanely annoying behaviour we’ve had recently. if people stop being annoying, the slowmodes and auto closes’ll go, too


@Dross. Please do not issue a blanket condemnation to the entire forum community. It is unfair to those not responsible for this new policy.

Completely understand. Thank you for taking time to read and reply to feedback. I can’t speak for everyone but most of us really appreciate it.


I honestly don’t mind the change that much.
What I simply do it before bed, instead of doom scrolling, I look at all the latest topics read a bit. Reply if I got something to say.
If someone replies to me I see it on my phone notification and respond when I can.
I do think harry had to do this due to a specific bad actor who is a reason why there are instructions on shampoo bottles.


This is why we can’t have nice things, one or two bad apples ruin the fun for everyone. :frowning:


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