Ladies and Gentlemen, currently we only have five issues of the “Boots!” magazine, and given I’m working on improving our books and magazines a little, I was looking to add more issues! But… I am also hoping to make this change a collective one! So please, insert your ideas for headlines and, if you wish, the context to those headlines, here! I will analyse them and, if they are good, I will add them to the game.
I will be giving an example of one of our “Boots!” magazines currently in-game:
Boots!: Issue No.160: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘Corporate Liaison ‘emotionally exhausted’ from screwing so many people over.’”
You can also give a number for the issue you come up with! Currently the numbers being used are: 117, 150, 160, 54 and 55
Boots!: Issue No. 7: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘The Future Soldier!’ The short paragraph following describes the B18 Defensive Armor in how it is designed to make the modern marine invincible and that it has recently finished trials while the brass have high expectations for this new system.”
Boots!: Issue No. 131: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘NO HOTBOXING’ The following paragraph goes into detail about how the HSDP smoke grenades are not safe for long period inhalation exposure and hypoxia is a poor way to get high.”
Boots!: Issue No. 40: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘Bravo Squad… not just for FOB duty!’ Despite the title the article primarily consists of photos of barricades and diagrams on ammo arrangements".
Boots!: Issue No.189: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘Military Police Edition, those that help marines help themselves!’ as with every copy you have ever seen of Issue 189 someone has taken the time to deface the issue with crude language and unseemly drawings. Part of it appears charred."
Boots!: Issue No.113: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads “Canberra, the Forward edge of the battle” The article then goes on to detail the Fierce urban combat the marines faced against Australian rebels, a few accounts from tankers on the effectiveness of the new M40 Ridgeway, and recent sightings of Marines Special Forces (Raiders) in the AO.
Boots!: Issue No.58: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads “Swift, Silent, Deadly:Tientsin” the article then goes on to the experience of the writers FORECON Battalion in the Tientsin campaign, and the harsh jungle environment while dealing with UPP and Local Guerrillas.
Boots!: Issue No.70: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline reads “Marine 70, The Future of Warfare.” The article then goes on to detail the plans and implementation of Marine 70, a program designed to help modernize the USCM for 2170.
Boots!: Issue No.194: “The only official USCM magazine, the headline “The fight for the Core.” The article details the recent Fighting between the USCM on behalf of W-Y against the Grant Corp for control of ICSC worlds.
Boots!: Issue No.45: The only official USCM magazine, the headline “Your sidearm and You!" with the subtitle “Your best sleeping companion” The article explains basic sidearm maintenance and includes a small advertisement for a well-known gunsmith on Gateway Station. And the best positions to sleep with it under your pillow in case of unexpected seditious activity.
Boots issue NO. 345: "The only offical USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘How to keep worms out of you’r eyes.’ The follwoing paragraphe gives tips on how to avoid getting parastics when fighting on alien worlds.
Boots issue NO. 123: "The only offical USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘Blood in the snow’ The following paragraphe talks about rumors of a shapeshifting alien found in antarctica. (This one is in direct reference to the thing.)
Boots issue NO. 12: "The only offical USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘The commies plan to destroy america.’ It’s 12 pages of ramblings about how commies are putting chemicals in the water and ruining baseball. On the back is a picture of mikhail bakunin sayings is karal marx.
Boots issue NO. 233: "The only offical USCM magazine, the headline reads ‘Treason in the marines’ The issues talks about how sevreal marines force feed a CL live hand grenades.