Improve the CCs selection of clothing.

The CL had a major wardrobe update a few months ago and has quite a few work/field wear options that would work amazingly for the CC. A lot of them should be moved to the CC vendor to provide them with some more drip options.

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Bloat idea. CC are there to annoy fax responder and maybe filming marines demise, not be another glorified drip model.


This is such a tar pit response. Zero substance whatsoever, just “i dont want this because it would give players too many options for their character”. Believe it or not, civilian journalists are allowed to wear more than 3 preselected outfits.


Civ CC should atleast get a damned satchel roundstart so all that RP stuff you could spawn with actually spawns.


That is a good idea.

I made it pretty apparent that we shouldn’t be giving them ALL of the CL options, but providing more customization is always a net positive, especially when it is done thematically. So long as they don’t get like suit and dress options I don’t think it’d be a net negative. Windbreakers and such would be a very nice addition.


One or two additional would not be that bad. As long as it does not seem like overkill.

Honestly, the fear of bloat is somewhat out there. Its not like you aren’t restricted to only grabbing one article of clothing anyway. Its a heavy RP based role, so the more ways to show character expression that aids in your RP the better.


To be clear, we are referring to the civilian CC role not the USCM one correct? If it is civy, I am for it. I do not think it would be hard to move a few of the CLs outfits over to the civilian CC.

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Yeah, if anything alongside this it would probably be a good idea to remove the Mil CCs access to civilian clothes.


I can hand shake on that. Thank you for clarifying.

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suits are insanely on brand for 80’s journalists tbf.


If you play Press Responder and are annoyed that you are getting faxes from THE PRESS

dunno what to tell you



Is that Bulgarian?

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Dutch detected?

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I think it is Bulgarian.

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